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*weeks later*


It's now February and it's the 7th. I want to ask Daniel to be my valentine but I'm so nervous to.

I was talking to Jonah and Eben in the music room.

"So what are you guys doing for your boyfriends on Valentines Day?" I asked.

"Me and Jack are going to go ziplining. He said he's always wanted to go ziplining. So I'm surprising him with it"

"Nice. How about you Eben?" I asked.

"We were going to go rock climbing. He said he loves it. So I'm gonna surprise him as well"

"How about you?" Jonah asked.


"No the wall. Yes you" Eben said.

"I- I don't know. I wanted to ask Daniel to be my valentine but I'm too nervous to"

"And if you do ask him. And he says yes. What will you do?"


"Just the beach?" Eben asked in an annoyed tone. "Damn you are crazy" he said.

"Dude. That's not it. We are going to talk. Cuddle on the sand. Watch the waves. And I'm gonna do special"

"What is it?" Jonah asked.

I told them what it was.

"Aww that's cute" they said.

The bell rang.

"Well we should get heading to class" I said. We walked to class.

*few days later*


Todays February 14th. It's Valentines day. I want to be Corbyns valentine but I bet he has a girl he wants to ask.

I was going to my locker and I was looking down. I opened it and rose petals fell out. I looked and saw roses in it and a note.

I grabbed it and opened it and read it.

'I will see you later cutie'

I smiled and put it back in my locker. I picked the rose petals up and put them back in my locker. I shut it and went to class.

I sat next to Jack and Zach.

We started class.

*time skip*

It's now the last class of the day and I was still in the hallway getting my stuff.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked and saw Corbyn. I shut my locker door. "Hey" I said while smiling.

"Hi" he smiled back.

"Did you like what I put in your locker?" He asked.

"You did that?" "Mhm"

"I loved it" we hugged. "I'm glad you did" he kissed the top of my head.

"Can you come to the rooftop after school?" "Of course"

I smiled and we went to class.

I sat next to Jack.

"Did he ask you?"

"Ask me what?"

"To be his valentine"

"No. I think he already asked someone"

"Bitch. Then why did he put those damn roses. Rose petals and that damn note that said I will see you later cutie in your damn fucking locker" he whispered so nobody else could hear him.

I chuckled and we paid attention to the teacher.

Short chapter sowwy. But what do you guys think Corbyn will ask him?


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