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*few hours later*


I woke up to the sound of static from a TV and broken light noises.

It felt like I was in a chair and my hands were tied to the back of it.

I looked up and opened my eyes slowly. I saw that I was in a big room with grey walls. A window and grey floors.

I was in someones basement.

There was a brown, broken couch and a TV with static on the screen. And there were lights. They were broken.

I tried to get out of the chair. I broke the ropes and got up. I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door but it wasn't opening.

I ran downstairs and looked around. I sat on the floor and silently cried in my knees.

Then the door opened and I stopped crying. I kept my head in my knees.

"Hello Corbyn"

My eyes widened.

'No no no no no. It can't be'


I looked up and saw Henry.

He's my ex. He abused me when we were together. Verbally, physically and sexually.

He threatened to kill me and then he cheated on me.

I backed up so I was far away from him.

"Dont be scared honey" "you haven't changed"

"No I haven't"

"Well you should change. Go to therapy you asshole. Or go to an insane asylum"

"See I can't"

I was confused. "Cause I'm too crazy that they won't allow me to take therapy or go to an insane asylum"

I got up and growled at him.

He's a human. So I can hurt him and he can't do anything back. Everytime I growled at him when we were together. He would be scared.

But I would obviously feel bad because we were together. Then it got to the point where he would hurt me and then it got worse. That's when he abused me sexually and then threatened to kill me and blah blah blah.

I ran over and he put me in a choke hold. He pinned me to the wall.

I whined in pain.

I saw the pain in his eyes when he heard my whine.

'He still loves me. Doesnt he'

"LET ME GO!" I yelled. He let me go and kicked me in the spot where the sun doesn't shine. I fell and whined in pain.

"Pathetic" he walked up the stairs.

I laid on the floor and closed my eyes. I passed out.

*time skip*

I woke up to the sound of a ball hitting the wall. I looked and saw that I was tied up to the chair again. I saw chains on my hands.

They were tied to the arms of the chairs.

"Can't get out anymore sweetie" he got up and I growled at him.

He grabbed a knife and walked over. He cut my arms and I whined in pain.

I looked at him and growled. "LET ME GO!"

He smirked and leaned down. He kissed me and I tried to get away from him.

He pulled away and smirked. He walked away.

*4 weeks later*

It's been 4 weeks and I'm still in here.

I havent eaten in weeks and I'm feeling very weak. I just want to give up.

I was sitting in the chair, trying to break the chains when I heard the door open. I looked and saw Henry.

He walked over with a syringe. He lifted my sleeve. I tried to bite him. I roared at him.

He punched my face and I whined.

He stuck the needle in me and put the stuff that was in the syringe into me.

"That'll start working in a few hours"

"What is it?"

"A love potion"

My eyes widened.


"It'll stop working at the end of every week so I have to put more in you every week. And if you dare even try to get away from me. Then I'll kill your lover. Daniel"

My eyes widened.

"If you dare even lay a finger on him. I will tear you to pieces"

He smirked and left the room.

I passed out.

*time skip*

I woke up feeling a little different. I saw Henry and he smirked.

"Feel any different?"

I shook my head yes.

He took the chains off and I got up. I jumped in his arms and kissed him. He kissed back.

We pulled away.

"Damn it I missed you" he said. My tail started wagging.

"Go to sleep love" I laid on the couch and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.


There is going to be some drama between Henry, Corbyn and the boys.

A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now