Long Way Back From Hell

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Febe woke with a start, the elemental sitting up from her prone position with a gasp that quickly turned into a scream of pain as she curled into herself. Dark spots filled her vision, and Febe looked down as she pulled her hand shakily away from her torso to see blood.

She remembered Rebekah. Searching for her friend in the nearby woods. The wolves. They had bitten her; Febe thought wearily to herself as she took in the marks on her legs, as well as the pulsing pain in her shoulder. The large gash across her stomach was by far the worst and while she could feel her skin slowly knitting together, her sudden movement had re-opened the wound and she was bleeding out. Febe laid back down, squeezing her eyes shut as she inhaled sharply. When they re-opened, her usual storm clouds burned crimson, and Febe held her breath as she pressed a burning palm against her stomach.

Febe screamed, nearly biting her tongue as her back arched off the table and the smell of burning flesh filled her nose as her skin sealed together.

She blacked out. The elemental coming to, what she hoped was, minutes later. Her long lashes brushed against her cheekbones as she blinked heavily, trying to clear the dark spots from her vision as she laid there. Her body hurt. She was sore, and while Febe could feel her physical wounds healing, it did nothing to mitigate the exhaustion that filled her bones. Her head turned to the side, and she blinked through her blurry vision to see where she was.

It was an abandoned hospital. At least, that's what she assumed as she took in the rusted cot turned over on it's side, dirty surgical tools and trolleys, Febe shakily sitting up with a low moan from where she laid on a torn mattress.


Febe carefully tossed her legs to the side of the cot, nearly crumbling to the floor once she tried to stand but quickly caught herself as her side slammed against the metal frame. Dark spots swam in front of her vision, and Febe blinked them away as she carefully stepped forward, hugging the wall closest to her as she approached the door. The halls were long and completely torn apart, with wheelchairs tossed about and broken glass cracking under her feet with every step. Febe counted every breath carefully, one hand on the wall for support while the other was held out to her side for balance as her ocean eyes looked through every possible entryway for her blonde friend.

When she appeared in the entryway of another hospital wing, Febe let out a loud gasp as she caught sight of the Original lying perfectly still on a cot near the window. "B-Bex. Oh, Bekah..." The elemental stumbled forward, hands shaking as she ripped away the IV drip that was inserted into the blonde's wrists, the smell of vervain and blood filling her nose as Febe shook her shoulders harshly.

"Rebekah. Bekah, darling, we have to go. Wake up!" She hissed, jumping slightly as the Original woke up with a gasp in fear. "W-what.." Rebekah breathed out, blue eyes not focusing as she glanced about in confusion and Febe grasped her shoulders firmly. "Bekah. Rebekah, look at me!"

The Elemental (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now