The Brother's Keeper

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"You're coming."


"No, Andy! It's the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, April is going to be participating and you should be here." Her best friend stated firmly, and Andromeda rolled her eyes. "Rebekah is already going so that she can check out that professor, why do I have to be present?" The elemental complained, and she could hear Caroline rolling her eyes.

"You are coming. That's final. Besides, Stefan is depressed over Elena and I promised I would help him be distracted."

"I told you, Delena is going to win."

"Stefan is her soulmate, so shut up."

Both girls laughed, and Andy rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll come with Elijah, hopefully no one dies like last time." She stated, and Caroline snorted. "That's just jinxing it. I'll see you soon." They said their goodbyes, before Care hung up, and Andromeda looked up at Elijah.

Her Original had bought breakfast, muffins, croissants, and yogurts, so they were all sitting at the marble island as they ate. Elijah sat across from her, Regulus besides her, and Andy smiled as he sipped on his mug of blood.

"How do you feel about going to Miss Mystic Falls, and possibly threatening the judges?"

"I would say, that sounds lovely." He hummed, leaning forward to kiss her, and Andy smiled as she kissed back. The door opened, and they both turned to look as Rebekah walked in. "Good, you're already up. Get dressed, we have to head to the pageant." The blonde Original stated, and Andromeda groaned in frustration.

"What is it with you and Caroline forcing me to go to events that do not concern me? I am not a Founder, my family hails from Greece and Scotland."

"You're going, because we need to approach Professor Shane. I did some digging." Rebekah sat next to her on the kitchen island, rifling through her purse, before handing Andy some documents. "I've been keeping my promise to April about digging into the fire, at the exhibit, April mentioned that Professor Shane knew her father-"

"Pastor Young?" Andy sat up in interest, Elijah taking a look at the documents as well, and he frowned at seeing multiple call logs. "Precisely. Before the explosion, Pastor Young was calling the same number everyday for about a month. On the day of the explosion, he called that number ten times." Rebekah explained, her siblings rifling through the papers, and Andromeda looked to her in realization.

"The office of Professor Atticus Shane."

"But I thought you said the professor is new to town, how is it that he knew the Pastor?" Elijah questioned, and his sister nodded. "April says they met at some sort of event, which is fine, but he knows too much. How is it that he knew so much about the hunter's curse and it's mark; there's something not right about it."

"He's creepy. Worth looking into." Andromeda whispered, before looking up at Rebekah. "Where is my brother?" She questioned, and the blonde shrugged. "Most likely off gallivanting with Niklaus, helping Jeremy to grow his mark." Bekah stated flippantly, before tugging Andy out of her seat.

The Elemental (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now