Another First Day

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"Blake! Blake! Wake Up! Who the heck takes a nap in the morning!" Dev was standing over her her hair done, face caked in makeup, and in another short pink dress. Might as well worn the uniform. Blake thought.

"When I was kidnapped it was almost midnight, and now I come here and it's morning?! I need sometime to sleep!"

"I checked you schedule, it's the same as mine. And we only have 5 MINUTES until animal communication. Let's GO!"

"Okay, okay," Blake sat up, grabbed her hat, and stuffed her airpods and her phone in her pocket. 

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Blake, Devika, and Avyanna all had animal communication in the morning. Then Avyanna had Princess etiquette while Blake and Dev had Good deeds, then they would switch, and have the same classes after lunch.

They nestled themselves into the grass in the back row. Either Princess Uma didn't notice they had been late, or she chose to ignore it. Probably the latter considering her role in The Tale of Sophie and Agatha.

Animal communication took place in the great lawn in front of the school for good. The famous wish fish pond lesson had been a tradition to teach new evergirls on their first day. So the girls took turns sticking their fingers into the pond and wishing for boys they knew nothing about.

Avyanna wished for Aillard, Camilla wished for Aillard, Devika wished for Aillard, and so on and so on. Blake, who was pretty much fed up with this whole idea, stepped forward ready to wish to go home. She ignored the elevator eyes the girls gave her, (she was used to it) and stuck her finger into the pond. Her photographic memory pictured her friends perfectly, as an image of Blake, Cole, Asher, and Felix appeared in the pond. They were roasting marshmallows and laughing like the bear had never appeared.

"Well, that's a lot of boys, but whatever you wish dear." Princess Uma said in her delicate voice.

"They're my friends," Blake emphasized the word friends.

Princess Uma let out an airy giggle, "Or dear, a boy and a girl cannot remain friends. One will eventually fall, it's just a matter of who does first,"

"Well we managed," Blake was well aware of the girls stares and whispers now, but she was surprised to see Devika and Avyanna scolding the other girls with glares.

"Well maybe that's how it works in the reader world, but not here," Princess Uma waved her hand and gave the girls their scores. A hot pink 10 appeared on top of Blake's head.

Blake put on her cap in an attempt to hide her face, and almost choked on air. Piercing spikes stabbed at her head, in different voices saying things about dresses, boys, makeup, and other classes. Blake clamped her hand over ears as if that would make the thoughts go away. She ripped off her hat and the sound went away. Almost. They where now more like whispers pecking against her head.

"Are you okay?" Avyanna was intently watching her with Devika by her side. She could hear the thoughts of concern coming from both Devika and Avyanna.

"I'm fine, just.... a rock in my hat," Blake waved it off, and she didn't need telepathy to tell that Avy and Dev didn't buy it, but they let it go anyways.

Her next 2 sessions went by fast. Blake sat in the back barely paying attention. The "three last marks rule" was banned after the tale of Sophie and Agatha. The wolves and fairies still helped because the school master's magic was too strong. Still, Blake thought it sucked that you had to be servants in a school full of ungrateful children for eternity.

Blake spent her sessions listening to others thoughts and the whatnot. She discovered that they all..... have really boring lives. After being kidnapped by a bear, then being sent into a book, and being told magic was real: A talent for telepathy didn't really surprise Blake. She assumed there would be more to follow. She had brushed off the note from the resistance as a joke, but thanked them for the gifts.

Soon it was lunch. She hopped in the line to grab a basket ready to get this over with. Since the tale of Sophie and Agatha good and evil had been nicer to each other. They're still at each other's throats.... but it was nicer than before. Blake popped in her airpods and listened to music on her phone. She sat under a tree and checked Cross.

Cross was a social media app that her parents had built. They had named it after her family's last name: Cross. Her friends hadn't posted anything since the bear attack. She had tried texting them but apparently the "magical borders" didn't allow that.

People that passed her looked at her weirdly, pointing at her strange device, but she brushed it off.

"You know, this is the very tree that my mom and uncle sat under,"

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Well. I have no idea what to write here soooo.... byeee thanks for reading. 

Pls comment and vote thank uuuu!!! (*^ワ^*)

Also I have a new book called Making Your Art. It's kind of like a cover shop except for any digital design you want! Link below!


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