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These were the doors on the building that was soon to become one of the most important buildings in his life, and he couldn't even work up the courage to open them.

He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be at the school with doors so tall and fancy he couldn't take his eyes off of them if he wanted to. And that was saying a lot. He was one of the most eccentric boys in Lima.

But he wasn't in Lima.

He wasn't at McKinley.




"You are nothing but a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are!" Kurt raised his voice as he talked. When did he start yelling? He was just trying to get sheet music from his locker in the hallway and suddenly he was yelling at Dave Karofsky, his homophobic bully, alone in the boy's locker room. He wasn't wrong though. He had the bruises on his shoulders and the fist inches away from his face to prove Karofsky's emotional weakness.

What he didn't expect next was the lips forcefully pressed against his own unmoving lips. He stepped back with a shove and watched with wide eyes as Karofsky assaulted a locker and fled the scene.

Kurt just about sprinted through the packed halls, all the way to his Navigator in the parking lot. He couldn't let the tears fall. He wouldn't. If he started crying now, he wouldn't be able to stop, and he had to get home. It was the second day in a row he had come home from glee club early. He ditched yesterday when the glee boys' best idea to beat the competition at sectionals was to poison old people or spy on the ...garglers?..., and he ditched again when Karofsky-

Nope. The name itself was putting tears in Kurt's eyes. He chose to not continue that thought. Luckily, he didn't have to. He was home now, but he had a new reason to panic.

His dad's truck was in the driveway, and Burt was also sitting on the porch, watching with his head cocked to the side as he watched Kurt walk up and asked him why he wasn't at glee.

"Got cancelled. I stayed in the library late to do some homework. Gonna go finish up,"

Burt saw a gleam in his son's eye as he walked by, and not the usual one that he loved. Were those... tears? Burt opened the door just to watch his boy run down the stairs with a faint sniffle. Burt was honestly stunned. He was suspicious of Kurt lying, but he just thought Kurt was skipping. This wasn't "just skipping" or "library homework" behaviour. And who was he kidding, Kurt would only skip if that Rachel Berry girl was being extra annoying and that always started and ended with separate rants and an intermission between.

"Knock it off, Burt," He whispered to himself, taking a deep breath and approaching the basement-bedroom door. One more deep breath. If he went at this visibly concerned it would only set Kurt off more.

This wasn't the first time Burt had been thankful for Kurt's door at the top of the stairs not having a lock. Ever since Finn's lamp debacle he has been appreciative of it. He was opening the door when he heard it.


"Kurt?" Burt said, already halfway down the stairs.

Kurt looked up at his dad. There was no emotion on Kurt's face, other than pure, utter sadness. There would be panic, or worry, or guilt, if it hadn't been completely consumed, overwhelmed, and enveloped, by sadness.

Panic that his dad found him sobbing, worry about what his dad would think, guilt that he lied to his dad? Irrelevant compared to this level of sadness.

"Kurt, bud..." Burt said, "Are you okay?"

"N- no-"

Kurt told his dad everything through choked sobs and dripping tears. The bruises, the shoving, the kiss, everything. Even through it all, especially Kurt's fear about his dad finding out about everything this late, Burt looked stoic. Calm, almost. Kurt knew his dad was guarded with his emotions since Elizabeth had died, but he had never seen his dad like this.

"You're transferring Kurt,"


"Kurt, you've been staring at that door blank faced for a whole minute," Kurt heard his dad say as he finished pulling the last box out of Kurt's car.

Kurt flashed his dad a smile. A real smile, not one of his fake ones he got so used to using.

Kurt wasn't the happiest about changing schools. Nobody would be happy about leaving their best friends. Their brothers and sisters. Any sibling.
Kurt was devastated about that actually, but he felt so oddly free, being away from that neanderthal and his minions.

Kurt didn't know what Dalton had in store for him, and he had very low hopes, but, for some reason, Kurt felt like it couldn't be all that bad.

"Let's go," Kurt said, pushing the door open, suitcase in hand.


In all actuality though, thank you all for reading! 

If you wanna vote and comment that would be cool~

Ok thank you, bye!!!

865 Words

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