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" Julian Henry my office now" the wrath of professor Monroe's voice struck through the hall way like a ball of lighting. 

This was the time Julian knew there was no turing back from what has happened, she knew her parents would skin her alive if they heard about this.

Julian knew she would be an outcast to the henry family... Other wise know as "the family of greater success"... Well that's what the teachers call them anyways.

" I swear I didn't mean for it to happen professor Monroe, it was a mistake" Julian shyly acknowledged in a low toned voice as she twiddled with her now broken nail.

" A mistake!! well miss henry if you consider making out with a student in the hall way a mistake, then why the hell would u do it?" professor Monroe raged walking back and forth in his office with a face of an angry lion

" A mistake!! well miss henry if you consider making out with a student in the hall way a mistake, then why the hell would u do it?" professor Monroe raged walking back and forth in his office with a face of an angry lion

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Story  Description

Julian Henry

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Julian Henry...Born in a wealthy family who expected nothing but greatness from her. She was on the verge of becoming the perfection her parents wanted her to be, but that changed when she met Jamel Carmelo.  Jamel was a football player for the school. He was pretty much a big deal.

Jamel was the kind of guy that every girl wanted, the guy that every other dude wanted to be.

It was two weeks until junior prom when Jamel asked Julian to be his prom date, and as every girl would say, she said yes.

Don't get me wrong Julian had a beauty that was far from this world, she had long dark brown wavy hair, long eyelashes, well rounded eyes, clear skin and perfect pink lips.

She was everything a girl could dream to have, but she was under the influence of her parents.

For years going to Huston high school Julian has never spoken with a person formally other than her teachers.

She was considered a book worm in everyone's eyes, the girl without a voice, the girl grown to perfection.

After the prom Julian and Jamel were alone in his car when he forced himself on her, she tried to push him away but he was too strong, his hands choked her as he raped her and dumped her on the side of the street like a human trash bag.

She was only fifteen at the time when she walked home in the middle of the night bleeding in pain. Her parent's did everything in their power to comfort her ,but they never took this to the cops.

You see , Because Julian's parents were such perfection freaks they wanted no one to hear about this " imperfect " situation. So they kept their mouth shut and home schooled Julian.

Julian was out of school for three years, mean while Jamel got off the hook and still lived his life as the popular guy everyone wanted or wanted to be.

But Julian took a turn for the worst. She was no longer the perfect girl anymore, she was drinking, smoking, sneaking out and going to frat parties, she was behaving like  " ill -mannered brainless teenagers "... Well that was the words her parents use to describe those kind of kids.

Of course Julian did all these things without her parents  knowing, she was a master of disguise... She pretend to be in her room studying when she was out drinking and getting laid by different guys every other night. She would often change the sweet innocent clothes her parents bought for her into a slutty outfit you could find in a strip club.

 She would often change the sweet innocent clothes her parents bought for her into a slutty outfit you could find in a strip club

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This book will contain scenes that can be very uncomfortable for some audience, please read with caution

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This book will contain scenes that can be very uncomfortable for some audience, please read with caution .

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Follow your author xdxgirly15

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