The truth will set you free

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Julian was feeling good that she stood up to her parents, she knew they deserved it and so much more.

Driving up to school for the first time ever Julian got out of the car feeling good about herself.

For once in her life she felt unstoppable, like the queen of her own world.

" did I raise you to be a slut" Julian heard a voice raised as other kids started laughing.

Turning around she saw no other than Anastasia, narrowing her eyes at her.

Turns out Jamel recoded what happened yesterday and sent it the the entire school.

Julian scoffed " shut the fuck up Anastasia. You know your parents work for my father " she snapped back walking away.

The students who were laughing along with Anastasia started to whisper.

They were all shocked when the realized that Anastasia's parents worked for Julian's father

Considering how she bragged about how wealthy she was all the time.

Knocking on Michael's door Julian smiled  as she saw his bright face

" good morning professor Monday" Julian laughed walking into his office

Michael had no idea about the video that was circulating in the campus, and Julian was happy knowing that he didn't know. 

" what  got you on the bright side this fine morning?"  Michael asked as he closed his door with the lock " are you high?" Michael cringed looking at Julian closely

" Nope" she answered as her smile became wider

With a smirk from Michael's he kissed Julian on her forehead looking down in her eyes " I'm so proud of you"

Hearing those words Julian blushed a little looking up at Michael " I'm proud of me too"

Michael then walked around to his table telling Julian to take a seating with her

" I wasn't expecting you to be in such a good mood toady.. But I have to tell you something" Michael sighed taking off his glasses

The smile on Julian's face then dropped when she saw that Michael  was in his serious mood

" Are you braking up with me?" Julian asked wil tears filling her eyes

" What?" Michale laughed " No.. I would never to that"  he answered his own question

Julian then sighed of  relief " good because I was totally was going to stab you with my pen if you think you're leaving me like this " Julian said to herself looking at Michael

Taking out a paper Michale looks at Julian before he started listing " nine rape charges, has been a suspect for human trafficking , drug position, identity theft and many more "

Julian then looked at Michael with a widen eyes " you raped nine people?" Julian yelled backing away in her chair

" what.. No" Michael answered quickly " these are the accusations for Jamel" he continued as Julian looked at him in relief

" oh thank god" Julian exhaled pulling up chair to Michael's desk

Julian then took a minute to process what Michael said, with a widen eyes she looked at Michael " Jamel Carmelo?" Julian questioned taking the paper he was reading from.

Looking through them she swallowed heavily, she new she was the tenth victim of rape by Jamel,but she was never going to tell Michael about it.

" I wanted to ask you something " Michael sighed getting up from his chair " and I'm not going to judge or anything but were you one of his victims?"

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