- seven

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A few weeks had passed since the picnic and Melanie began to fall into step with Charlie and Sam. Charlie was quite an aloof fellow and so he truly had no qualms at befriending the girl, despite her family name. He trusted his friends judgement immensely, and if he vouched for her that was good enough. In fact, Charlie found that he and Melanie had a few things in common - mainly their love for muggle books. They began swapping titles on a daily basis and Cedric couldn't help but grin every time he saw one slip the other a book.

Meanwhile, Sam had taken a little longer to warm up to Melanie, but his new found soft spot for Angelia made things all the more easier. They weren't officially together - no it was much too early for that - but they had been spending more and more time together. And of course, Cedric and Melanie spent copious amounts of time together. Every spare minute they had they ventured off, never with a particular activity in mind, but rather just enjoying the company they shared. But all the while Melanie felt her nerves rise as time ticked on, as she mentally counted down the days until her brothers arrival; until the names were drawn from the Goblet of Fire. Today was that day.

Cedric could practically smell the anxiety rippling off Melanie as they neared the great hall. As he gripped her hand tight she gave him an appreciative smile and pulled on the double doors. Heads turned, eyeing the intertwined hands of the Hufflepuff and Slytherin. They both heard the whispers that spread around the school like wildfire. Tales of late night rendezvous and nighttime passion, all of which only caused Melanie to roll her eyes and chuckle harshly. Of course, she would never close the door on the idea of her and Cedric, in fact she could feel herself yearning for something more than the friendship they had - as wonderful as it was. But then again, she didn't know how Cedric felt and she did not intend on making a fool of herself.

Melanie kept her eyes forward and scanned the room, locking eyes with her brother. She breathed sharply. Cedric squeezed her hand once more and mumbled 'you'll be ok, I'll see you after dinner' before letting go of her hand and heading to the Hufflepuff table. Melanie felt the loss of his warm hand that so often caressed hers and she had to stop herself from begging him to come back. Realising she was now standing at the top of the hall alone, Melanie forced her feet to move one after the other despite feeling as if she were walking through cement. She concentrated on steadying her breathing, worrying would do no good. She had no choice but to speak to Meliorn and figure out this mess that seemed to be forming. It saddened her that she was currently so riddled with anxiety. She adored her brother, she would go to the ends of the earth for him. But something wasn't right.

"He's still staring at you." Angelia whispered as she watched her friend shakily manage to sit on the bench. "I know." She managed to choke out the response, feeling her brothers eyes burning holes into her skull. "It's going to be okay Mel." Angelia promised, but Melanie had the sinking feeling that it was in fact not going to be okay. Dumbledore's voice felt like a dull buzzing as he stood and announced they would tonight be joined by Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and that they would stay for the duration of the tournament. Melanie groaned as she recalled her former school, but it was the mention of her brothers name that truly snagged her attention.

"In addition, we are tonight graced with the presence of one of our brightest past pupils, Meliorn Hallows." Dumbledore smiled, gesturing to Meliorn who gave the crowd and Dumbledore a brief nod of acknowledgement, before he flashed his film star smile that Melanie was sure instantly broke dozens of hearts in the room. But Melanie knew that below that table her brothers hands were curled into such tight fists that his finger nails pierced his skin. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be reminded of what he endured here. But as always, he was doing as he was told.

"Meliorn has graciously offered his help in planning the tasks and will be available to answer any questions and offer any desired training to the participants."

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