Chapter 5

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The sun was vibrant in the sky, but it was not hot. In fact, the temperature was rather perfect, clouds decorated the sky in a mold overcast and a gentle breeze rocked the trees.

Of course, Artemis had never been here before, Zoë had and she had thought it a good idea to show Artemis one of the most beautiful places in the wilderness. What Artemis had expected was not this.

The beautiful trees with vibrant green leaves paused in a gentle circle, their branches arching up in the sky, protecting a sacred looking pool of water. It was some of the clearest water Artemis had ever seen. So clear one could see every identical pebble that rested at the bottom.

In a way, it looked like the water contained hidden riches, that if you were to collect a handful of stones you would be rich, unlike any man before or after you.

"This is beyond anything I've seen before." Artemis stared at the scenery with wide eyes, taking in every inch of the landscape. She could feel the essence of life that flourished here.

"It is exquisite. A place not yet touched by the hand of man," Zoë agreed, watching Artemis with a soft and amused expression. Zoë could not help but feel a strong affection for the young goddess's wonder. It was so innocent and naive, purer than anything she had witnessed before.

"You've been here before?" Artemis questioned, shifting her gaze to Zoë who recovered from her expression of amusement and fondness.

"Yes, many times. It is enchanting. A place you cannot leave and never come back to." Zoë regarded the water as phantom-like memories danced across its surface. Zoë could picture her younger self wading in the water with her sisters. All of them with their skirts knotted up so they wouldn't get wet.

There was no animosity like there was now. They were all happy, Zoë was happy. Calypso tripped on a small log beneath the water off to the left. They had all laughed despite her embarrassment. Of course, Zoë went to her sister's aid until an all-out war broke out.

Water was flung about and siblings tackled one another into the crystal pool. Until every inch of them was completely soaked, but their smiles never faltered. It was beautiful, a beautiful time, a beautiful feeling, most importantly they were a beautiful family.

"You are sad," Artemis whispered, pulling Zoë from her thoughts.

"Hm?" Zoë asked, looking over to the auburn-haired girl. Artemis's silver eyes burned into hers with a gentle but prodding curiosity.

"You're sad," Artemis repeated, her hand reaching out and wiping away a tear Zoë did not know she had shed. "Why?"

"My family and I used to come here," Zoë explained, shifting her eyes back to the water. A rock seemed to settle in her stomach as the images were now gone. "I-was happy then."

Zoë knew she should have phrased her words more carefully. She knew that the girl trying to comfort her was more vulnerable than she let on. Artemis's gaze fell, her eyes settling in the emerald grass.

"If you are unhappy, I apologize," Artemis whispered. "I do not pretend to know what it was like when you were not considered an outcast."

"I'm sorry." Zoë swallowed hard, her eyebrows creasing together. "You misunderstood me. The freedom that I've experienced over this past week has been a wonderful relief and distraction. You must know that it has helped me escape my more toxic thoughts."

Artemis nodded, her mind wandering. Had it really been a week since Zoë had accompanied her? It felt like centuries. They had spent the evenings laying in tall grass fields, watching the sunsets shoulder to shoulder. Artemis could picture exactly how Zoë looked with her hair sprawled out in a beautiful halo.

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