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-probably a babysitting date.
-babysitting natsu, just hanging out together.

-a shopping date.
-half the time you're in the sports store and he's looking for new volleyball stuff.
-other times your just having fun at the stores and trying on new clothes.

-a rock climbing date.
-he's always filled with energy so the best date is one with lots of moving.
-afterwards he buys you ice cream.

-a picnic
-kuroo is a classic man, he likes classic dates
-even if it's not the most original, he makes sure the picnic spot is on a cliff, with a sunset (cliché ik HAHA)

-iwaizumi doesn't like dates very much, but you'd probably go to a cute café with him.
-afterwards go on a nice walk through a picnic while he complains about oikawa.

-a target date
-go to target and mess around until you get kicked out.
-ride in shopping carts, buy matching onesies, etc.
(where i live i don't have target which sucks. also this is my fav kind of date).

-akaashi would bring you to a fancy restaurant
-he'd listen to you rant about homework, school, etc.
-after, he'd walk you home and give you a kiss.

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