*miya twins catch up

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author's note: again, i'm so sorry i've been gone! schools been stressful! ok, anywayyy here's a long as chapter. 2k+ words

sept 4, 2020
2271 words

how you meet

miya atsumu

-you'd heard about him through the constant mobs of fan girls always screaming his name.
-you really didn't understand the hype about him. sure, he was cute, but he was egotistical, cocky, and kinda rude.
-one day, you'd been trying to get to your next class, when a giant group of girls were screaming "ATSUMU I LOVE YOU!" and various things.
-they were blocking the entire hallway, and you rolled your eyes, your patience thinning.
-eventually, after trying to squeeze through them, you just shouted. "MOVE OUTTA' THE DAMN HALLWAY YA DUMBASSES!" which seemed to gain atsumu's attention.
-while many of the girls quieted down, scowling at your figure quickly passing through some of them, atsumu called out, "hey?! who are ya?", to which you responded by flipping him off, pissed off that he was the reason you were late to class.
-he smirked. finding you interesting.

miya osamu

-similar to atsumu, he was preoccupied with many of his fan girls.
-you were rather new to the school, this being only your third day.
-you were currently lost, and unknowingly on the second year floor, while you were a first year. you were looking for a stairwell to go back to your designated floor, when you saw a grey-haired boy sprinting in your direction, while a mod of girls where chasing after him. he looked... scared.
-he spotted you, and immediately came up to you, grabbing your hand. "eh?! what're you doing?!".
-he hushed you quickly. saying allowed to the girls who'd caught up with him, "i'd like to have alone time with my girlfriend".
-you just stood there, bewildered. the girls' faces quickly shriveled up into deep scowls, glaring knives at you.
-it's your third day at inarizaki, and you already have a giant group of girls hating your ass.

becoming friends

miya atsumu

-your friend had been pesturing you to join her in watching the boys volleyball team practice. you'd said no but she physically dragged you anyway.
-you were sitting on the viewing floor, when you saw atsumu arrive inside the gym.
-immediately, many girls began greeting him, and wishing him luck, to which he ignored. he found them rather annoying, already knowing he was good at volleyball.
-he glanced up in your direction, and you caught his eyes. you were talking to your friend, about her crush on osamu.
-during his practice, he couldn't help but give your figure glances, and you found his game quite entertaining.
-although you wouldn't admit it, you were impressed by him.
-after his game, your friend had to leave early, leaving you to walk home alone.
-you were staring at the stars peacefully, walking through the school gates when someone tapped your shoulder.
-startled, you flinched slightly, causing the person to chuckle.
-un ironically, it was atsumu. you rolled your eyes again, as that was your main reaction to all of his antics.
-"whats yer name?", he asked, beginning to walk in the direction you were originally headed in.
-"why do ya wanna know?", "dunno. do i needa reason?" "f/n l/n"
-he ended up walking you home, and getting to know you slightly better, but not without a ton of rude and snarky comments towards him.

miya osamu

-tbh, he'd kept up the 'fake s/o' act around you.
-you let him do it since you didn't really know how to speak up for yourself.
-of course girls started hating you
-over time, maybe over the next week, you and him grew close pretty quickly.
-since he was in a couple of your classes, you'd even grouped with him for a project.
-you learnt he ate a lot.

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮!! 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now