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M/n has fallen asleep in yoongis car, not to long ago yoongi called the police. Yoongi stood and talked to the police, telling them that they just came back to this scene. Yoongi sighed.
"Please try to find out what happened, it looks like this incident really is taking a toll on my friend. It seems he really cares about his mom"
Yoongi said to the cop. The cop only nodded as if what he said wasn't important, before leaving to do something else. Yoongi noticed this and huffed.
'Cops ain't shit'
He thought to himself. (True that)


"I already asked you once but I'm gonna do it again"
Jin said.
"Where the fuck is my fucking RJ doll?"
The trouble line(taehyung, jungkook, jimin) looked at each other and looked back at jin, shrugging their shoulders.
"We didnt do nothing, you probely lost it"
Jungkook said.
"How the hell will I lose a plush that's almost the same height as me?!"
Jin said slapping his hands on the table.
"I dont know but we had nothing to do with it"
Taehyung said. Jin sighed, then he looked at Jimin.
"Where is it Jimin?"
Jin asked.
"its outside in yeantannies dog house!"
Jimin blurted out.
jin ran out to the backyard.
"Way to go Jimin, you always ruin the fun"
Jungkook said.
"You're so annoying to play with"
Taehyung whined. Jimin didnt say anything, he just looked down at his feet.
"Hey, where's Yoongi? He should be home by now"
Jungkook asked.
"I dont know, he said hes just taking   m/n home so I dont know what's taking him so long"
Namjoon said, looking back at the boys from the tv.
"I should call him to see what's up"
Hoseok said. He dialed Yoongis number, it rung for a bit.
"Hey yoongi, when are you coming home?"
"Something kinda bad happened and I had to call the police. But I'm alright and m/n is alright but m/n is gonna have to stay with us for a while"
"Wait, what happened?"
"I'll explain when I get home but I have to go now"
Yoongi hung up before Hoseok could say any more.
"So what's going on?"
Namjoon said.
"Something serious must've happened because he said he was talking with police"
Hoseok said worried. They all had confused amd worried looks on their faces.
"He said he'll explain when he gets here so we're gonna have to wait till he gets home"
Hoseok's mumbled trying to call yoongi again but ending up getting a voicemail. He sighed, worried about what's going on. They all sat around, worried about yoongi and m/n.
"I should call him again-"
Hoseok said, but before he could reach his phone they heard a know at the door. Jin jogged to the door and opened it to reveal yoongi holding a sleeping m/n.
"Where were you!? We were so worried about what you said! I know you said that you and m/n are alright but-"
Before Jin could finish his small worried rant, Yoongi shushed him.
Yoongi shushed him again looking down at m/n.
"Oh, sorry. You guys should come in now"
Jin said moving to let them in.
"Everyone be quiet-"
taehyung yelled cutting jin off.
"Yes now quite yelling!"
Yoongi whisper yelled. But it was already to late as m/n started to wake up.
"Where are we?"
M/n said rubbing his eyes with his fist still sleepy.
"Dont do that, you're gonna make your eyes all red"
Yoongi said taking m/n's fist away from his eye.
"We're at the guy's house. You gotta stay here for a while"
Yoongi said while gently putting m/n down to stand on his feet. M/n stumbled around a bit from not walking for a while and being sleepy. M/n hummed now waking up a bit.
"I have to what?"
He said now awake a little.
"You're gonna have to stay with us for a bit becuae of what happened"
Yoongi said. After those words, m/n started to remember what all happened. His breath quickened and yoongi took notice of it.
"No..no no, I cant stay here!"
M/n said turning towards the door. Yoongi held his arm.
"Why not? You cant go back home"
Yoongi said.
"No! I need to go! I don't want my mom to get mad at me!"
M/n said trying to get yoongis hands off of his arm, tears now threatening to fall.
"Stop m/n! you cant go back!"
Yoongi said gripping onto m/ns shoulders.
"No! Bad mans gonna come and mommy's gonna hit me for it.."
M/n said now crying. He fell onto his bottom rubbing his eyes trying to get rid of his tears. Yoongi was confused and shocked by m/ns words, he looked back at the rest of the boys and they were both as equality as shocked and confused.
"What do you mean m/n?"
Yoongi said softly.
"My m,,ommy doesn't like it when I g,,go out and when I do s,,she hits me"
M/n said through his tears, hiccuping a few times.
"A,,and theres a ba,,d man who was g,,gone for a long t,time but h,,hes back and mommy's m,,more mean.."
M/n said more, crying harder. They were all shocked, they stood in not saying anything, only m/ns crys filling the room. Yoongi bent down and held him, then Jin, then Namjoon, then Hoseok. It became a whole group hug as m/n still cried.
"I said dont rub your eyes. They'll get red and achey"
Yoongi said taking m/ns hands.
"Here, I'll take him"
Namjoon said. Yoongi nodded and let namjoon Through, he lifted up m/n and held him on his hip. M/n calmed down a bit but didnt stop crying, he buryed his face into namjoons shoulder, hiccuping. Namjoon carried m/n to his room and laid him down, knowing he might be worn pit from crying so hard. He was knelt down by his bed and brushed some hair off of m/n face. Namjoon looked at m/n with sad eyes as m/n slept, tear stains still on his face. He sighed and stood up to go back to the living room where the rest was.
"He was worn out from all that crying so he fell right asleep when I laid him down"
Namjoon said. He sat down on the couch where everyone else has seated.
"Looks like something is going on at his house for him to react like that"
Hoseok said.
"That kinda explains what he told me at the mall"
Jin said. The others brang their attention to him.
"He said that he's never been to the mall, ever. And when I ask him how he got here he said he walked there not even knowing that he was at the right place and said that hes never seen a bus in real life?"
Jim explained. They thought for a while until Jungkook spoke up.
"It sounds like his mom was like, gatekeeping him or something. I remember m/n said that he was homeschooled all his life and this was his first year ever to enter a school building. So his mom probely just kept him home and said to never go outside. Basically some rapunzel type stuff"
Jungkook said.
"Well that's one way to put it but I think that she put all these things in m/ns head to think the outside is a bad place. And with him talking about the, "bad man" just backs this up"
Hoseok said. They hummed in agreement, they talked about m/n for a bit and decided on what to do.
"We should let him live here. It looks like he doesn't have a good home life and we still dont know what happened back at his house this morning"
Yoongi said. They all nodded.
"So..who's he gonna stay with for the time being?"
Taehyung said.
"With me"
All of them said at the same time. They all looked at each other surprised.
"Well I think he should stay with me since I'm more closer with him"
Hoseok said.
"Well he should stay with me because I brought him home!"
Yoongi said.
"Sush, hes gonna stay with me because hes sleeping on *my* bed. No buts! Now get to your rooms, we'll talk with him about this tomarrow"
Namjoon said. They all groaned but agreed. Namjoon walked to his room and seen m/n still sleeping, back facing him with monni curled up beside him.
"Hey monni, you mind moving"
He said to the dog. It lifted up its head but laid it back down. Namjoon chuckled, he changed clothes and went to lay down beside m/n. Namjoon caressed m/n cheek and rubbed thumb against his soft face.
'How come I never noticed how cute you are?'
Namjoon thought, then he shook that thought out of his head. They needed to discuss about this problem tomarrow early since they still had school. He took his hand off of m/ns face and drifted off to sleep.


AHH, I'm so sorry for taking so long! For some reason I couldn't think at all and was super tired. I'll try to update more often. I'm still kinda woozy and stuff because I'm still kinda having a hard time thinking. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! Thank you!

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