DÂy 2

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M/n loved school, even if yesterday was his first day. He met some of hobi's other friends jin, jungkook, namjoon, jimin, taehyung, and yoongi. M/n ran in circles in the living room in the house.
"Why are you so energetic?"
His mom asked.
"Because I made friends! They're so nice and I want to hang out with them all the time!"
M/n said jumping up and down.
"But you know the rules m/n, you cant leave the house unless its school"
His mom said.
"But why can't I have fun with them? I want to go out for once"
M/n said pouting.
His mom slammed her hand on the table making m/n flinch.
"You cant, now be good and go to school now"
His mom said, her voice softening a bit but still stressed. M/n nodded quickly, he grabbed his bag and left the house in a hurry. Speed walking looking down at his feet, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, he bumped into someone.
"Im sorry, I'm sorry"
M/n bowed to whoever he bumped into, looking at the ground still.
"Hey, I know you. You're that m/n kid Hoseok made friends with"
The boy said. M/n looked up to see that it was yoongi, one of hoseok's friends that he seen a day ago.
"Oh, I'm m/n"
M/n said looking up.
"You all right? You look panicked"
Yoongi said looking at him.
"I'm alright, I woke up kinda late"
M/n said rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Its actually pretty early"
Yoongi said looking at the time on his phone.
"O-oh, well I guess I got that time wrong, haha"
M/n said.
"It happens"
Yoongi said looking forward.
"Wanna walk with me?"
He said.
"Sure! I would love to"
M/n said beaming. Him and yoongi made their way to the school building. They both walked to their first class.
"Look whose early"
Hoseok said smiling.
"Yeah, yeah. Wake me when class starts alright"
Yoongi said sitting down and putting his head down.
"Alright then. hey m/n didnt think you would show up so early either"
Hoseok said.
"Well it's good to be early than late, also you're early too"
M/n said.
"That's true"
Hoseok said chuckling.
"Let's sit down, its gonna be a bit until the teacher comes"
He said.
"Did you have breakfast?"
Hoseok asked.
"No I didnt saddly. I'm not that hungry though"
As soon as m/n said that his stomach growled.
"Well that's lie"
Hoseok said as m/n covered his face in embarrassment.
"Its alright, I have something. It was gonna be a snack for later but you can have it"
Hoseok said handing him a small bun.
"You don't have to give me this"
M/n said.
"Its alright, have it. It's a hunny bun"
Hoseok insisted.
"Hunny bun?"
M/n said to himself, he took a bite of the bread and hummed in satisfaction.
"Its so sweet! I like it!"
M/n said smiling widely.
"Its sweet, just like you"
Hoseok said not knowing he said it out loud. M/n blushed and continued to eat the sweet bun.
"Oh, I see the teacher, hey yoongi get up!"
Hoseok said shaking yoongi awake.
"What do you want?"
Yoongi said in a low raspy voice, head down still.
"Teachers here"
Hoseok said shaking him again.
"Alright I'm getting up"
Yoongi said, voice still low. He lifted his head slowly eyes still closed. Hoseok just sighed.
"Hes always like this"
He said to m/n, m/n nodded.
it was after class, m/n looked around the halls looking to find his next class.
"Excuse me"
M/n turns around to find the voice to find that the voice belonged to a girl a little bit shorter than him.
"I just wanna know if you wanna hang out after school?"
The girl asked as if she was shy but failing the act miserably. M/n thought for a bit but then a rise of anxiety came up when he remembered his mothers words from that morning.
"I-im sorry I cant, really"
M/n said shaking his hands in front of himself. The girl gave him a look.
"Oh so you're a shy one huh? What are you gonna do after school?"
She said getting closer.
"I dont wanna answer, please understand that I cant"
M/n said, his anxiety starting to rise.
"What? I cant be a little nosey?"
M/n looked around, panicked.
"I'm sorry I have to go, I'm sorry"
M/n said trying to leave. The girl grabbed his arm.
"Come on! Just once"
M/ns breath quickened along with his anxiety until someone came.
"I'm sorry but he has to go, can you please let go of him?"
M/n looked up, it was namjoon. The girl looked at him, she must've felt intimidated as his eyes were dark. She let go and with a scoff she walk off.
"I'm sorry that had to happen to you   m/n-"
Before namjoon can say more, m/n hugged him.
"Thank you"
M/n said againsted his chest.
"Oh um, your welcome?"
Namjoon said, slowly wrapping his arms around m/n. 'Was it that serious' Namjoon thought.
"Its alright, we have to go to class now though ok?"
M/n nodded against his chest amd loosened his grip, leaving namjoons embrace.
"Come on, what do you have next?"
Namjoon asked. M/n looked at his schedule.
He said.
"Alright, you have that class with JK, jimin and taehyung right?"
Namjoon said. m/n nodded
"Well I'm gonna be going now"
Namjoon said until m/n grabbed his arm.
"Can you walk with me? Well you dont have to but-"
M/n said before namjoon cut him off.
"Its alright, I'll walk with you"
After that they stayed quiet, there was no talking in between them while walking towards the doors of the gym.
"Here we are, I'll see you at lunch m/n"
Namjoon said before walking off.


They where playing volleyball which was getting kinda crazy as jungkook were destroying the other teams asses. M/n sat and followed the ball with his eyes as it went left and right(stan seventeen).
M/n says, mezmorized by the ball going back and forth rather fast. M/n gets up and starts jumping around, copying what jungkook is doing.
"What are you doing?"
Taehyung asked.
"Jungkookie is really good at alot of things and I wanna be just like him!"
M/n says, swinging his arms pretending to hit the ball.
Taehyung mumbles to himself while watching m/n. It went like this for a while until the game ended. Ending with the team jungkook was on winning.
"That's no fair! You're literally a god at everything!"
Jimin complained since he was on the other team.
"Its alright, you did really good Jiminie! I know you did your best!"
M/n said trying to cheer up Jimin.
"Thanks m/n"
Jimin said patting m/n's head.


It was almost time to go home, m/n stared at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. M/n was nervous to go home but he had to so his mom wouldn't get mad at him. He hates when his mom is mad at him, she wouldn't let him eat those times. M/n zoned back in when he realized the bell has rung. He grabbed his bag and walked out of class. he looked around the corner and seen quite a crowd surrounding something, he walked over to the crowd curious to what happening. He went on his tip toes to try and see above the crowd, failing at he is too small. M/n made his way to the middle of the crowd, then he seen what the commotion was about. There was a girl laying there crying. she looked up and seen m/n, her expression from sadness went to anger.
"It was your fault! You sent him after me!"
She screamed at him. M/n flinched, putting his hands up as if she was gonna hit him. The crowd looked at m/n as he slowly put his hands down, now confused.
"I didnt do anything? Why would I do anything?"
M/n asked. The girl was silent for a while not wanted to answer why.
"You sent that namjoon after me just because you didnt like me!"
The girl yelled.
"I never said i didnt like you, I dont know who you are"
M/n said. The girl got up and walked up to him.
"Namjoon slapped me and threatened me to never touch you again, you did this!"
She yelled again. The girl raised her arm to slap m/n, m/n closed his eyes tightly expecting impact. After m/n didnt feel anything he opened his eyes and seen namjoon holding onto the girl arm.
"What are you doing?"
Namjoon asked her. The girl looked back at him with wide eyes. She pulled her arm away.
"Dont toach me!"
The girl yelled(for the 50th time, damn bitch why you screaming..oh wait I wrote this-)
She stormed away as the crowd slowly left as well.
"You alright?"
Namjoon asked m/n.
"Yeah, but why was she saying that, what did you do?"
M/n asked.
"That's nothing to worry about alright, now let's go see the others"
Namjoon said hold m/n's hand.
"I'm not gonna go, I'm sorry"
M/n said slipping his hand away from namjoons grasp.
"Why not? We're planning on going to the arcade in the mall"
M/n started picking at his thumb nail, starting to get nervous as he is being held back again.
"I cant really because my mom wants me home"
M/n said.
"Alright then, we'll see you tomarrow"
Namjoon said, finally letting m/n go.       M/n jogged back home, panicked thinking his mom would get mad at him for not getting home on time. M/n rushed to his houses door, he slowly opened it to make it seem he wasn't in such a rush, he prepared himself for yelling but he didnt hear yelling, he heard




Ooooooh, what happened? What do you think happened? Idk only the future chapter will tell tee hee. Sorry that this took so long, something came up in between making this chapter, sorry again hope you liked it!

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