/Chapter 12/

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I've been writing a lot today so expect a lot of updates(:

Hadessa has just booked a plane ticket to Kenya for December. She hasn't gone home in three years so she knows her family is going to go crazy when they see her. And to make it even better she is spending Christmas there and nothing is better than Christmas in Kenya.

It is still July but she's already looking through her closet to see what she wants to pack and what she doesn't. Although Hadessa knows she'll end up packing her whole closet only to wear less than half of the clothes.

Sighing deeply she pulls out a pair of black tight dress that stops mid thigh. Tonight she and Krissy are going out to dinner for Krissy's birthday.

After slipping on her Silver heels, Hadessa sprays perfume on before grabbing her clutch. She didn't need it since Krissy's parents are paying but she hates leaving the house without her ID and pocket money.

The doorbell rings and she switches off her bedroom lights and runs downstairs.

Hadessa laughs at the ridiculous tiara on Krissy's head, "girl what in the world? You look like one of those high school girls who would wear dresses and heels to school on their birthdays".

Krissy rolls her eyes, "shut up, I know you got that out of twitter because your boring ass was homeschooled".

Hadessa laughs again as she locks her door, "yeah I did and leave me alone. It was either homeschool or Catholic school and you know how my grandpa feels about Catholics. He refused to consent and told them, 'leke a thome mũciĩ!"
K:(let her study at home).

Krissy is used to her best friend spewing words in Kikuyu or Swahili so she doesn't bother to ask for translations. Plus they are already late and her mom is blowing up her phone.

When they get to the restaurant they find Krissy's whole family was almost done ordering. The girls put in their orders quickly before settling down. Hadessa stays quiet for the most part and listens to the big family shout at each other. Krissy's mother is black but her Dad is Cuban so there is a mixture of fully black people and fully hispanic people and Krissy their only child being the only one with mix race.

As her eyes are wandering around, they land on a black man who had already been looking at her. Hadessa's face heats up and she looks down at her food. Her heart begins to race as she tries to remember from memory how the guy looks. His skin is light brown and she recalls how dark and seductive his eyes are. She figures he was probably around Jackson's height or a little shorter.

Turning to Krissy, Hadessa points at her food so it isn't obvious she's talking about the guy.

"Who's the guy next to your Uncle?"

Krissy doesn't have to look up to know who she's talking about. She had been watching the interaction between the two.

"My cousin Keith. He's a year older than us and he's smart and rich, you should talk to him".

Hadessa takes a bite of her lasagna, "no way! He's probs not into me anyways. He doesn't look like the type that dates black girls let alone dark skin's".

Hadessa feels disappointed that she even has to think that but there is a lot of colorism within the black community, especially from men. She isn't a stranger to hearing the words, 'I don't date black girls only whites and Latina's' and 'I don't date dark skins'. She usually hears it from dark skinned men who for some reason have a hatred for dark skinned woman. It's one things to have a preference for specific looking girls but another to put a group of girls down for they way that they look.

Krissy shakes her head, "nah he's only ever dated black girls. Keith's woke, it's Jaden you need to stay away from".

Hadessa's eyes wander to the man besides Keith. He's attractive with skin as dark as hers and dark eyes that have been stuck on the white waitress. From the get go Hadessa can tell he's one of those. The type she was just thinking about.

The dinner ends without Hadessa and Keith exchanging a word, just glances. Hadessa is happy because she knows she'd only embarrass herself but Keith is disappointed. He wanted to talk to the gorgeous lady and if he had been sitting closer to her, he would have definitely made a move. So when he sees the girl standing at the lobby waiting for his cousin, Keith takes the chance.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear your name earlier, what was it?"

"Hadessa", she puts her hand in his.

"Hadessa? You're named after queen Esther?"

At this the young lady laughs, "I am but mine is spelled H-a-d-e-s-s-a. Not H-a-d-a-s-s-a-h. My mother's friend stole her baby name and my mother being the stubborn person she is kept the name but spelt it differently and yes it's also pronounced a bit different but it's basically the same name".

By the time she finishes rambling Hadessa is already angry at herself. If only she kept her mouth shut, now all she did is embarrass herself. But from the smirk on Keith's lips, he seems to find her rambling amusing.

"You have me hooked. How about we go out for breakfast so you can tell me the full story without any details left out? Does Saturday sound good?"

Hadessa's breathing picks up and she nods, "y-yeah, that sounds great".

Keith smiles, "alright, let me get your phone number".

Hadessa Puts in her digits as Krissy finally comes out with the rest of the family.

She hands him back his phone, "There you go".

Keith hugs his cousin and wishes the girls goodnight before running out to the parking lot.

Krissy can't help but throw her head back and laugh, "damn that was quick! You two are going out?"

Hadessa links her arm through her friends, "girl, let me tell you!"

Keith and Hadessa anyone?

Thoughts on colorism within the black community?

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