chapter one

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a/n: yay new tyler story!!!! please vote and comment!!!!

they were sitting in the trunk of his car on the night of their high school graduation. there was a full moon and the black abyss above them was painted with stars. tyler wasn't looking at the sky, but rather at the girl beside him. she seemed so intrigued with the shimmering dots scattered among the night sky, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.

it suddenly felt like he was addicted to her. it seemed as if every moment that they spent together, tyler couldn't keep his focus off of her. they'd been friends since freshmen year, and that was always enough for tyler. he loved being her friend.

"i can't believe we finally graduated," she said, switching her gaze from the sky over to tyler.

"i know. it feels like we met just yesterday," he replied, smiling as he remembered the time that they first met back in math class. he was struggling with a question and had tapped on her shoulder to ask for help.

"and look at us! we're still best friends," she responded with a giggle. tyler smiled, staring at the girl next to him with admiration. she didn't seem to notice though, because her attention was back on the sky.

she shifted her arms backwards a bit so that she could lean on them, her hand slightly brushing against tyler's hand in the process. he felt butterflies fly around in his stomach, and he got a fuzzy feeling inside of him. it confused him- he didn't know where it was coming from. but strangely enough, he liked it.

he found himself longing for her touch. something simple like her arm brushing against his. it drove him crazy, made him feel like he was on fire. and she seemed to be oblivious to it all.

it was probably better that way, anyway. tyler didn't want her to know that she had that sort of effect on him. it could've possibly weirded her out, made her not want to be around him anymore. he was almost certain that she didn't share those same feelings, so it would've been pointless to bring them up.

but part of him still had that tiny ounce of hope that she did feel the same. that she got that same rush of excitement whenever she was around him.

he still loved being her friend, of course. but now there was that desire for something more. and staring at her now, the moonlight shining onto her emerald eyes and slate black hair, he knew that one thing was for certain.

he was in love.

never mine// tyler joseph Where stories live. Discover now