your favorite song by them | fall out boy |

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save rock and roll.
you love the vocals, the meaning of the song. it's always your favorite to hear live when you tag along tour. you usually find yourself looking at patrick and swaying to the song, watching him put his soul into it.

grand theft autumn/where is your boy tonight
you were a huge fan of tttyg and was very supportive of joe when it came out. this song reminds you of him since it's the first of his music videos you watched, and you just like the song itself.

Tiffany Blews
you can't quite put your finger on why this song means so much to you. you were there when they were recording Folie, so that could likely be why. It could also possibly be because it was the first time you saw one of his original drafts for a song. either way, it's a gorgeous melody and you just love it.

hold me tight or don't
when MANIA was released, you two ironically danced o this song in ten studio. ever since, when you hear it, it brings back that memory and always makes you smile. you always do a little awkward dance if Andy looks at you while they play it live, earning a smile from him and entertaining you. it's a whole ass BOP too, so.

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