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'The mystery named Hinata Shouyo' that's what we called him.

He was friendly and outgoing, always cheerful and eager to meet new people.. yet for some reason, nobody was close friends with him. At least, not in the club.

When I spoke to him, he seemed uninterested, but when Suna did... he almost seemed like a different person.

We couldn't understand him so we called him an unpredictable 'mystery'.

He'd stay late after practice, which at first annoyed me since I enjoyed practicing my serves alone. But I soon realized he was never gonna leave and decided to spike some serves in front of him.

"Atsumu-san, did you forget something?" he asked.

"No, I just wanted to do some extra practice."

"Oh, can I watch?"

I was surprised. He seemed to think I was boring so wanting to watch me? That was new.


He watched me ever so intently, I could really feel his gaze on every part of me as I spiked. I barely ever get pressured by the loud crowds cheering at Nationals, but this? This was 10× more nerve wracking.

I spiked the ball and turned back to him.

"Atsumu-senpai,  nervous?" he asked.

Shit, he saw right through me.

"How did you know?"


His voice echoed through the whole gym, it was the first time I saw him genuinely break out in laughter.

It felt sort of.. warm.

"How? Aha.. hm, I wonder." he teased.

"Oh shut up!'

A week after he started becoming our manager, we became friends.

The Mystery, Hinata Shouyo - [ ATSUHINA ]Where stories live. Discover now