A Mess

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Since that day, me and Shouyo became.. close? I mean, he became close with everyone but me and Osamu especially.

He told us to call him his first name, I still call him 'Shouyo-kun' but Osamu calls him 'Sho-kun'

He walks with us to school, usually standing in the middle. He tells really funny stories and we always end up in a fit of laughter by the time we reach school.

He also loves talking about volleyball, we still don't know why but he's really into it.

It was kinda fun for me and Osamu to pick up on his tendencies as well, like how he giggled when he's uncomfortable and how he fiddles with his fingers when he's nervous.

He also loves when we ruffle his hair, he purrs like a cat. We also get stopped by every single first year we see on the way, apparently EVERYONE is friends with Shouyo.

Honestly, I don't even remember what my life was like before becoming this close with him. He's become a permanent feature to me, it's like trying to imagine what life would be without my brother.


Everytime he imitates me, or laughs really loudly when we're alone.. my heart kinda melts a little and I don't like it.

He has me questioning my sexuality every time we touch.. and he's bi, so that makes me even more confused.

However, he doesn't seem to harbor feelings for anyone.

Which is kinda sad considering how many people he's friends with.

But, nonetheless, I need to figure myself out before him.

This is all a mess.

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