January 1, 2016
Felix awakens inside his new apartment after a long night of celebration of New Year. He stands up and does the usual morning routine. Eat breakfast, take a shower and do your homework. Of course, it's still New Year's day so there's nothing really to do other than stroll at the park. He goes to the nearest convenience store to buy some snacks for the day and sits down at the park. Then, a thought came to his mind.
"Am I being watched?"
It made him worry.
He waits for awhile and when the sun was above his head, he stands up and walks back home. There's really nothing to do in the weekend. Then, he feels a slight chill. Not the usual one that you feel when you're frightened or cold. This chill, is different. He shrugs it off and goes home. Upon arrival, he feels the chill again. But this time, there's a weight on his shoulder. He starts to freak out. Ghosts scare him more than any other anomalous entities, due to the fact that he can't fight ghosts. He tries to calm down but was interrupted by a screech next door. He bursts out of his room and tries to follow the horrible screech, only to find a dead person with his mouth slit from ear to mouth.
"Kuchisake Onna" a man behind him comments in Japanese on the dead body. Felix asks the man for details. The man introduces himself as Ito Minato. He invites Felix to his room and explains how there were several reports of incidents like this ever since the year 1984. Apparently, her husband punished her for her acts of adultery by slicing her mouth. Felix thanks him for his time and leaves. He sends a text message to his Uncle to alert the Foundation.
An hour later he receives a reply back. Not from his uncle but from someone else.
To: Felix Lyfeld
Your task is to hunt and capture the entity. According to our records, she is what people call a Wraith. This is the first time a Foundation personel encountered one so be careful. According to cultural beliefs, Wraiths can somewhat be harmed through the use of Rock Salt, Mercury and Silver. Witnesses report she appears on areas with thick atmosphere with low temperatures like Hospitals. And since you live next to one, it's ni surprise you encountered one. We'll send a team to assist you on your second encounter. Meet them at the park you were just in tomorrow. Good luck•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
"My first case"
The next day he does the usual morning routine and goes to the park. There he meets 2 strangers. A male which appears to be in his early 30's and a female that looks like a 25 year old. Nobody waits at the park early this morning except for Felix so he assumes it's the Foundation. They exchange names and talks about their plan to capture the Anomaly.
The man is a 29 year old Norwegian. Shawn Hansen. He used to serve in the Norwegian Navy but was pulled out along with his crew by the Foundation after his encounter with Anomaly 11 Jormungandr.
The female agent is Mikoto Shimazu. Although her colleagues prefer to call her "Rain" as it reflects her gloomy personality. She's a 21 year old College dropout ever since her father, who works in the foundation as a Class B scientist found out she encountered and interacted her first anomaly, which was a male yokai. But now, she considers the Yokai as her companion, whom she named "Kai".
They hand his Orion Foundations License. Although he still needs to complete this case to earn his class. Not very common for outsiders. They start investigating the hospital by asking any witnesses of paranormal activities in the Hospital. There was a few people who stated that there was a woman wearing a surgical mask roaming around at night, who disappears around thr corners. Surveillance Cameras show no signs of any woman wearing a surgical mask other than the doctors and nurses.
They wait till midnight. Around 3 am a scream echoes through the halls. They split up and find out who's being victimized. A minute passes and another person screams across the halls. The voice sounds familiar to Felix.
"It's... It's Shawn... "
He tries to find the source of the scream and there he saw it. The Anomaly Kuchisake Onna standing on top of Shawn's lifeless body. He feels a chill down his spine and is struck by fear.
"Am I pretty? " she asks while wearing her surgical mask. According to legend, this is a lose, lose scenario. Felix replies with a "yes" knowing that the next answer will result in his death. Onna removes the mask, revealing her beautiful face but with a wounded mouth.
"How about now?" she asks while smirking. Felix has no choice but to say,
"no... "
She gives off a deafening screech and dashes forward to cut down Felix. She swings her scissors violently while Felix tries to dodge the best he could. But with her unnatural speed, Felix receives several cuts to his face. Rain arrives and assists in trying to capture Onna. She manages to restrain her legs by using Cable ties she's been carrying. Felix proceeds to inject her with Anesthesia he grabbed from a table nearby. Onna falls asleep.
Mission Success
Onna was retrieved by a Helicopter on the roof. Doctors were told to keep this Confidential. Felix was taken to a Foundation base in Kyushu and is treated. There he meets the Base chief, Ozawa Shimazu. Rain's father. With them recognizing potential in... Well, surviving Anomalies, he is given the title of
Felix Belmont
Age: 21
Skills: Martial Arts, Athletics, Multi-Biome Survival
Family History: Known for hunting down Anomalies in Dacia, modern day Romania, it is no surprise that Felix has inherited the instincts of his ancestors...
To be Continued
خيال علميIn 1944, during the Second World War, a scientist named Dr. Auchslitz fled Nazi Germany after a failed experiment of an Anomaly. He fled to Britain, and with his knowledge, founded the Orion Labs, dedicated to the research of Anomalous Entities foun...