|∞| Prologue |∞|

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Five years. Five whole years since Theo and I met; five years since we both signed up for rival theatre studios. People say that they are better - they have more money, authentic props, extremely beautiful costumes, way more online status; everything that the people love. They're lacking one crucial thing. Family. Orion House Productions may be more showy but it's not a real theatre group without family. If you don't love your fellow actors and stage crew, then what are you doing? People join and leave Orion all the time. Leaving Theo as the person who's stayed there for the longest. At Black Cat Drama, I am basically a newbie. Without the love that Black Cat has, you're not real actors. They aren't real. I can say that without thinking twice..

About four months ago, I realised I had feelings for this man I've been talking about. And that he'd never return them because let's face it. I'm not a female, I'm not beautiful. I'm just average. And average dude.

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