United We Stand

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ATTENTION: I do NOT own any of the characters or locations except the OC I created. Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto are the property of Mikio Ikemoto, Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, and Viz Media. As many of you know, this is not a market substitute. Go support the real deal. Thank you.

Revised: 05/02/24


At the same moment, in a completely unrelated alley. Because of what had just happened, the boys who had confronted Minori were heated. They wish they could retaliate but none of them are ninjas or can harness chakra, it seemed impossible. It's at that point that a voice is heard.

"I sense it," a somewhat mechanical voice relates. 

"Your negative emotions. Your desire to retaliate against oppressors. What would you think if I said I had the means to your end?" No matter what they do, they can't determine where the voices are coming from. They then notice a box lying nearby.

"Everything you need is in there," the voice assures them. When they open it, everything goes black.

A few minutes passed, and Hinata, the triplets' mother, reached the school for the entrance ceremony. She notices Naruto and asks if Boruto and the girls have arrived yet. But thus far, they haven't.

In the meantime, the siblings run out of the last place they had to buy things from. Boruto assisted his sister with her errands to speed things up, but they were still cutting it close. 

Making it to the train, this time Boruto riding on the inside. They stop, regaining their breath before proceeding to take a seat. The cart seems noticeably empty, and Boruto notes a peculiar atmosphere throughout the interior. Looking up, he observes what appears to be two cloaked figures entirely covered in a dark aura.

"Brother. Your eye, what's wrong with it?" Himawari inquires. Boruto snaps out of his daze. While he didn't understand what she meant, he gestured towards the figures to show what he was paying attention to. Minori sees them and wants to know what it is they want.

Saying nothing, their actions speak of their intentions. They proceed to attack with a water-based Jutsu.

The siblings move out of the way but lose the items they were sent out to buy. Getting ready to defend themselves, they're startled by the sound of an opening door from behind them.

Another cloaked figure appears from the conductor's room as the train begins to move seconds later. Now they're surrounded from both sides. Boruto calls them out on their assault. They, in return, counter by individually letting out a different elemental Jutsu—water and lightning from one direction and fire style from the person in the conductor's room. 

"Earth style, mud wall!!" Minori quickly calls out, and two walls spring up on both sides.

"When did you learn this Jutsu?" Boruto solicits, leaning on one of the walls she made. "Dad's friend taught me. But there's no time to talk. Their Jutsu are strong. I just brought out the walls, and they're practically broken," she gives voice to while struggling. Minori unleashes the Jutsu again, bringing out more layers to the wall.

"This isn't good. Their attacks keep fracturing the walls too quickly. I can't move from this spot while producing a new one."

As their attack carries on, one of them ultimately breaks word. For what they can make out due to his robotic voice, they've set up the train to head towards the Ninja Academy, where the entrance ceremony is about to start. No one there would see this coming in time to stop it.

They're shocked to overhear this, knowing that the rails near the academy aren't finished yet. Suggesting they must conclude this quickly to put a stop to the train.

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