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Omo!Omo!Omo! Today finally I had a chance!!

Asking what the chance was about?!

I finally meet Jimin!!!

It was not exactly meeting...but he praised me, for my good moves in ballet! Uwuwww!!! And also was eyeing..I wonder why though?

The next week we have a bighit entertainment anniversary celebration performance! We trainnes are divided into different groups for vocal and different types of dancing style.

Luckily Jimin was their mentoring for ballet! All the other members are mentoring for other categories.

I have a big crush on Jimin!!! But on the other hand..my brother doesn't want me to wonder around BTS. Probably the worst brother ever!!

*Jimin POV*

Who was that beauty, I wonder. She had a proper flexible body. It would make a great chemistry between us. I was falling for her hard, Since past few mentoring days. But our silly bighit rules, we are not supposed to date. I sighed..

Taehyung noticed me. "Falling for her, huh?" He asked with a smirk.

I had already told Tae, cause he is my best friend.

"Yeah, guess so. But you now bang pd nim" I dropped my head and shook it slowly.

Tae nodded.

It was all silent in the car, with me, driver and Taehyung. Others where coming by the other the car.

Finally we reached home.

*Taehyung POV*

Jimin looked sad...
So I had an idea! More of troubling him.

*Jimin POV*

"Jiminie Pabo~" I heard Tae signing behind me!

"YAH!! You!!" I ran behind him throughout the house in my pajamas!

"Jimin ssi is a pabo, michin and ~" he sang, running up to his room.

I quickly got into the room before he could close it shut.

"Gotcha!" I yelled wrapping him with a blanket and elbowing his thighs.

This was the only thing that can actually go crazy.
He burst out in fits of laughter.

"No! Jiminah!" He said rolling down the bed.


"Ahhh!" He feel hard on the floor.

I ran to him "sorry! Taehyungah!!" He didn't respond!

Tears started to form in my eyes. Did he get a serious injury?!

"Jin hyung! Namjoon hyung!" I shouted for help.

"Booh!" Tae startled me!!

"You!!!" I said, whipping off the tears.

"Awuu.. Jimin cried for Taehyung~" Taehyung started singing, laughing hard.

I turned all red due to the embarrassment, and rolled my eyes!

I door burst open, reveling Jin hyung.

"Yah! You kids!! I thought,one of you was dead already!!" Jin hyung yelled at us "go and have the dinner! It is ready" he said stomping off the room.

Me and Taehyung looked at eachother and chuckled while we headed down stairs holding hands.

Taehyung is my mood maker...and my cutest friend ever.

We let off eachothers hand and sat on the dinning table. Infront of us, it was Ramen! Again?!

"Jin hyung! Ramen again" I whined.

"Yah! Today I didn't make the dinner! It was Hoseok!" He nagged at me.

"Fine, fine" I turned to Hoseok hyung and pouted "hyung~ not again. You know, Jin hyung already made us eat Ramen for almost a week now" I whined.

Hoseok chuckled "Jiminah, it is the only third time you are having ramen this week"

I rolled my eyes "whatever, but your sister cooks so good and also variety of food. You should be like her"

Namjoon looked up from his bowl of ramen and talked with mouthful "that doesn't make any sense, Jimin.
I too have a sister, but that doesn't make me any better Chief".

"Isn't that the very first time you, yourself talked about your sister?" I said and suddenly silence made noise in the dinning hall. All eyes where at Namjoon hyung. He never talked about her so we all where curious, especially me, cause I heard from Namjoon's mother that his sister was cute plus clumsy like Namjoon.

He almost chocked on his ramen.
"Whatever" he said, drank a glass of water and went upstairs to his room.

Huh? Was he mad at me?

After dinner it was only me and Jin hyung cleaning the area as per our chance, while others where already asleep or in thier rooms.

"Ah, Namjoon" Jin hyung said and shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"He left his phone here" Jin hyung said motioning to grab the phone off the table, but I managed to grab it before he could.

"Nevermind,I will return it" I said and headed upstairs.

Suddenly I put break.

"What if-" I said to myself and turned around to head to my from instead of Namjoon's. I had a good idea! Maybe hyung will be disappointed if he finds out, but the fact doesn't change my mind for even a slight second.

I ran to my room locked it from inside, Incase if someone entered.
Fortunately Namjoon's phone was lock free.

I searched hard in his messanger for his sister's name, but suddenly saw my profile pic in the messager! Without reading the name of the person I entered the chat, it read~

*Namjoon's chat with ???*

Namjoon: yah! What's with the your profile pic, huh!?

???: Can't you see! It's Jimin in the pic!

Namjoon: that's what I mean! Why is his photo as your profile pic!!

???: How many times do I tell you he is my favourite member!!

Namjoon: ??? You better change it!!!

*Chat end*

*Jimin POV*

Omo! '???'!! isn't that Namjoon's sister's name!!! Finally I got her number!!! Btw I'm happy that her fav member was me and gave a smirk to myself.

To be continued...

Hey! So this was the first chapter!! Hope you are enjoying!! Sorry for more Jimin POV than y/n's. We will add more of y/n
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