Brian x Randy (Part 2)

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"Fish paintings, fish taxidermies, fish sculptures, fish dishes, fish wishes, fish niches, fish everywhere. It's quite disturbing. It's the perfect story. It's certain to get at least 10 clicks on TeaSips," Brian observed as he perused the burning apartment. 

"There's also an unusual amount of burning wax. Wonder what that's about."

He took as many pictures as possible, filling up his 50GB phone space with as many fish-related material as possible. Even the more graphic fish material. 

"A saxophone?" Brian encountered beside Brian's workout equipment, which was carved into fish-like forms.

"This is too bizarre. He's OBSESSED! Fish fetish perhaps? No, it can't be," Brian tried to theorize. 

The smoke was unbelievably overwhelming. It was anyone's guess as to how Brian was capable of enduring it. 

Perhaps his janky blimp just burned down often that his lungs eventually desensitized themselves? They were both quite the anomalies. 

"Sushi," Brian arrived in the kitchen. 

Without thinking, Brian chugged the moldy sushi, which may or may not have had melted glass covering it, down his throat. A rush of tingling overcame him. Hopefully, not caused by the glass.  

"I was feeling a bit famished after exploring his apartment. Even so, purely putrid, Brian," he chuckled and continued his home inspection.

"Hmm. There's mold in the bathroom." 

"This aquarium is completely empty! He probably ate everything inside of it. Only mold lives here now." 

"Wow, the fire here is excruciating. I can't even stand it," Brian screamed nonchalantly as he walked through an opening that instantly collapsed behind him.  

Blazing wood surrounded him in a pentagram-shaped area.  

"A shrine... It's molding?" 

Brian sat at the very 'fishy' shrine and prayed for his life.

"Oh well. I guess I'll write the story now as I sit here mindlessly."

Brian began writing the propaganda-filled, clickbaity, misconstrued scoop on Randy Random as he relaxed criss-cross-applesauce amid the chaos. 


Randy ran up the stairs.

"Why take the elevator when you can get in some exercise?" 

After 3 seconds, he was already up 5 floors. 

Its quite inconvenient that he lives on the highest floor. 

"A random blimp crashing down on something..." Randy thought aloud as he rushed up the flights of stairs like it was nothing. 

Suddenly, he misstepped and stumbled all the way back down.

He broke a few ribs and maybe fractured his spine because of his air-headedness, but he endured the pain and continued. 

"I feel like I've seen something like that before.... It's never been reported on the news for some reason, but I've seen it!" he realized.

"It's the same blimp every time!" 

Randy was amazed. What a miraculous connection. What an enticing reveal! He had to report this to the news! 

'I must put a stop to this blimp aficionado and their inconsiderate escapades!' Randy thought to himself with such high confidence it could reach the moon and back, maybe even to Pluto.

The final step met Randy's barefoot toes. 

He finally made it. 

He ran down the hall, and sprinted into his blazing apartment room: Number 69. 

His favorite number was 69. Not because of its sexual undertones, but because he thought it resembled his fish tattoo, and Randy liked fish.  

"NO!!" he screeched a muffled scream inside his mouth. If he opened his mouth too much, he would inhale too much smoke.

Burning wax bubbled at his toes. His wax replica was ruined. 

If they weren't burnt to a horrid crisp yet, his fishes were covered in ash! Besides a pathetic pebble, his aquarium was empty! (Even though he ate the living things inside.)

"BLIMPS!!!" he moaned in mixed emotions,  "they turn me on, activate a 'blazing' passion I've never known!!!"  

"I wonder who's responsible," Randy licked his chapped lips,  "I want to show them a good time." 

Flexing his muscles, Randy scoured his apartment at unimaginable speeds.

Eventually, he stumbled upon the loud tapping of keys. 

"Who dares enter my sacred abode!?" Randy shouted through the debris. 

A figure froze, turned around, and silently stalked. 

An eerie smile stretched across their ash-covered face.  

"Oho!" Brian giggled.  

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