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Liam Pov

        I was the first one up. I recover the others boys. I feel Zayn's forehead he has a Fever.  Zayn woke up. "Hey how you feeling Zaynie" I said. "I feel like Shit Liam" Zayn Said. "Rest you need it" I said. Zayn went back to sleep. I went down to make food for all of us. Rain come down in her pjs. "Hello Rain" I said. "Hi Liam" Rain said. "How you sleep last night" I ask. "Fine, but Rainbow was little worried about something" Rain said. "Oh what was she worry about" I ask. "Well she come back in our room after she get a glass of water and she told me Zayn dint get any sleep" Rain said. "That explan why he has a fever before I come down here" I said. "Wait he sick when he don't sleep at all" Rain ask. "Yeah he does" I said. Rain nodded. Niall run down because he smelled the food. "You have to wait Niall" I told him. "But Liam" Niall said. "No buts Niall" I said. "Fine" Niall said. I got done with the food.By then everyone was downstairs only Zayn still sleeping, we let him be until we go on tour. "Girls we repack your stuff because your coming on tour with us" Louis said. "AH DAMN REALLY" the three said. They are very happy girls. Zayn finally come down to the kitchen. "Hey how you feeling" I ask. "Better then before thanks" Zayn said. I kiss his lips. We put all the stuff on the tour bus. Zayn went lay down in the bunks on the bus and the rest of us took a nap as well untill the next tell.

Its little longer this time ~MissyMalik

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