~Chapter Two~

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Zaira pulled back the string on her bow, then let loose, her wickedly sharp arrow streaking towards the target and landing with a soft thunk in the middle. Grabbing another arrow from her quiver, she ran to the next target, hitting it dead center. Reaching back, she found she had run out of arrows. Turning back to the previous targets, she flicked her wrist, telekinetically retrieving them. Spinning on her heel, she faced Sol.

"Does that prove my point?"

He grinned, "You have lots of talent, so I shall teach you some technique."

Zaira grinned back, running back to the start of the target row. Sol met her there and grabbed a bow from the stack. Pulling back the string, he explained how Zaira could make arrows out of light magic, and she would never run out. Letting loose, Sol's arrow flew clear through the target, burying itself in the ground behind it. Zaira followed him, forming an arrow out of glowing light. Shooting it towards the target, it ripped through it as well, landing a good few feet behind it, much sharper than a normal arrow. Sol perked up.

"I have an idea!" He said with an evil grin. Snapping, one of Mez's daggers appeared in his palm. Nocking it like he would an arrow, he let it fly. It struck the center of the target so hard, the handle snapped off. Zaira watched it.

"Mez is going to kill you."

Sol laughed nervously, "Hopefully she doesn't miss it among her thousand others!"

Zaira smiled and shot a few more, getting used to the different weight of the light. Sol left, presumably to go hide somewhere. Zaira swore Mez had tracking devices on the daggers. 

Zaira heard the sounds of sparring around a bend in the cavern, and she slung her bow over her shoulder to go look. Rounding the corner, she spotted Rayem and Mez sword fighting, metal blades ringing out. Edna stood to one side, presumably in case someone got hurt. Ducking under Rayem's sword, Mez sliced hers towards Rayem's arm. Dancing out of the way, Rayem swung towards Mez's head, narrowly missing and slicing a strand of her Mohawk short.

 Everyone froze and the color drained from Rayem's face. Mez loved her Mohawk. Facing Rayem with a slow hiss, Mez sprang at him. Edna tried to block Mez, but she couldn't. Zaira watched in horror as Mez's skin darkened to an almost-black. Her fingers on one hand grew longer, sharpening into claws, and her eyes turned blood red. Horns grew on either side of her Mohawk, and when they called her name, she didn't seem to hear, too focused on Rayem. Zaira started. Mez looked half Dark Dragon! Running forward, she growled at her, using the language of the beasts.

"Stop it Mez!"

Mez jerked her head, snarling, and bared her fangs. She emitted an aura of danger, darkness, fear, paralyzing Zaira. She watched in shock as Mez turned to Rayem, her sword in hand. Cackling evilly, Mez drove her sword into Rayem's lung. Zaira mustered enough strength to turn her head away from the scene, looking at Edna. Or rather, where Edna used to be.


Edna watched in terror as Mez drove her sword into Rayem's lung. Edna gasped, not daring to breathe. She had studied anatomy with Ararona, and knew that a Sky Child's lungs were a vital spot. She was sure Mez knew this too. But why had she done it? Edna felt rage boiling up in her. Clenching her fist, she felt paralyzed. Stupid hemophobia, acting up now of all times! Edna thought, gritting her teeth. Tears appeared at her eyes. Knowing she had to do something, the elder felt a strange power inside of her. The power to stop Mez from hurting Rayem. Clenching her fist, this time with resolve, Edna darted forward towards Mez and Rayem.

"Edna! Stop!" Zaira yelled at her. "You- you'll be-" Fear was in her eyes. Ignoring her, Edna turned to Mez. The Eden Elder didn't even look human anymore, with long claws extending from one black hand. Mez growled at her, retrieving her sword. Edna swallowed the lump in her throat, but fear won her over. As Mez drove her sword towards Edna, she squeezed her eyes shut. A noise came from nearby, like that of wood. Mez let out a cry of rage. W-what did I do? Edna thought, slowly opening her eyes. Trees had grown around Mez, restraining her. Turning toward Zaira, Edna saw that she was being stared at. So Zaira wasn't the one who did that. It was either one of the other elders, or... Or it was... Looking around, Edna tried to reassure herself that it was someone else, but nobody was around.

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