Leaving the Pack

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Stiles POV

The rest of summer went by fast, I know I should forgive Scott for kissing me, but I just can't. How could he, I'm his best friend, his brother but then again I never thought he would feel the same way about me as I do about him. I have a feeling that I already lost him and I don't know how to make this right. School starts in a week, we got back to town yesterday and I haven't seen Scott since. I've hurt him I know I did and I don't know how to fix it.

Scott POV

When we got home yesterday I started packing my things, slowly so my mom doesn't notice. I'm busy packing my books from my desk and shelves into a bag when my mom clears her throat behind me. I turn around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

"Mom, hi what do you want," I ask a little awkwardly.

"Well, Scott maybe you can tell me why you are packing your things and why you've been so distant since you got back yesterday. What happened at the beach, talk to me."

"Okay, come in," I say and we take a seat on my bed. "I did something and now Stiles hates me for it," I say, as tears start flowing down my cheeks.

"Okay start from the beginning," she says, smiling warmly at me, so I take a deep breath and start from the beginning of summer.


"Guys, I have something to tell you," Allison says and we all gathered in the living room. "What is it, Ali," I ask her, she looks nerves.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you all that Isaac and I are no longer together, we are still friends though," she says and we all smile. "But why are you not together anymore, what happened," Stiles asks for everyone?

"Well, it turns out that I'm bi and in love with someone else," she says and everyone turns to Isaac. "Yeah and it turns out I'm gay so it wouldn't have worked anyway," he says, smiling sheepishly. We all laugh at that, at this moment Kira clears her throat and we turn to her. I'm still sad that me and her broke up a few days ago but I'm just glad we're still friends.

"Well, as you all know Scott and I broke up a few days ago but we are still friends," she says, "but I want you all to know why we broke up. I'm a lesbian and I've had my eye on somebody for a while now" she says smiling at Ali and Allison blushes at that. It's actually kind of cute, but a little sister kind of cute you know. Wait, what, since when do I see girls as little sisters, oh right, since I started having feelings for my best friend. Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell the pack.

"Uh, guys I have something to tell you all. I have known it for a while and my mom knows to and she supports me so it's time I came clean with you guys. I know it's going to be a shock but I'm bi" I say looking down. Everything becomes too quiet for my liking so I look up and see everyone staring at me with utter disbelieve and shock, well everyone except for Kira because I told her the day we broke up so she knew. She smiles at me with a small approving smile and she nods in approval, the first person to speak is Derek.

"Well I did not see that coming at all did you guys," he asks the rest of the pack and they just shake their heads still too shocked to speak" but hey it doesn't change who you are Scott your still our Alpha and we still love you more than anything else" he says to me with a smile "or am I wrong guys," he says turning to them.

"Your right his still the same old Scott and still my best friend that will never change no matter what," Stiles says to me and then hugs me. I hug back and whisper in his ear "thanks buddy it means a lot." He whispers back "this is not over we'll talk about it later in private." I just nod my head smiling, he then let's go of me and grab his soda from the table where he left it.

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