Fixing Big Mistakes

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Scott POV

After we got to the hotel I took a shower and then we all went to bed after eating Pizza for dinner. "Scott, what happened back there?" Anna asks, "well, I told them the truth about what happen and Stiles figured out that he is my mate. Now he blames himself for everything that happened in my life and because he doesn't trust Liam enough to give him the bite, I'm going to have to go thru the pain of losing him again. I don't think I can, I won't be able to handle it but there is nothing I can do to save him, there is no way that I can get my Alpha status back."

"Maybe there is, go to Deaton maybe he knows of a way for you to get it back," Anna says. "Yeah, maybe, it's late so get some sleep and I will go talk to Deaton in the morning," I say kissing her and turning onto my side, drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to the sun shining in thru the window. I turn away only to find that Anna isn't there, so I get up and walk to the children's room to see if they are up yet. Only to be met with the cutest site ever, Anna is trying to get the girls to get up but they are refusing, so she had to revert to tickling them.

They finally agree to get up, we had breakfast and now I'm on my way to go see Deaton. I pull up at the all too familiar building, I get out and walk to the door where I see the sign that says open. I walk in and the bell signals that I'm here a few minutes later Deaton comes out of the backroom and stops in his tracks.

"Scott, it's good to see you but what are you doing here," he asks surprised. "I need your help doc," I say and he nods knowingly, "well, follow me and tell me everything," he says walking back to the examination room. I told him everything and he listened "so, how exactly do you need my help," he asks confused. "Well, I need to know if there is any way for me to get my Alpha status back," I say looking at him hopefully. "I don't know Scott, there aren't that many ways but I do know of one."

"What is it please, I'll do anything," I say pleadingly, "well, you must travel back in time and change what you did ten years ago," he says calmly. "How the hell, do I travel back in time?" I ask beyond confused. "I have a friend, she can help you, her name is Emory she is the oldest supernatural creature alive. She has been on this earth for a very long time, when you see her she might look young but believe me she is very old and wise. You have to show her, that you are really sorry for what you have done. You have to show her, that you want to make things right, to fix what you did wrong. Only then will she help you, do you understand."

"Yes, I understand but where can I find her," I ask with a slight smile. "There is only one place to find her," he says smiling, "where is that?" I ask smiling. "You will find her in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean," he says calmly with a grin on his face. "How am I supposed to find her there? How can she live underwater?" I ask confused. "She can live underwater because she is a Mermaid," he says smiling at my shocked face.

"Really, mermaids don't exist," I say annoyed, "you said the same thing about werewolves, yet they exist," he says smiling at me triumphantly. "Say I believe you, how am I supposed to get in contact with her?" I ask curiously. "That is where I come in, you see she is a friend of mine and kind of owes me," he says searching for something. "How does she owe you?" I ask and he sighs annoyed. "I helped her escape from hunters, a long time ago and she said that whenever I need her help she will be there."

"Okay so where do we go to contact her," I ask annoyed, "we go down to the beach," he says as he gets a few things out of the cabinet. "Well, come on," he says walking out and changing the sign to closed. We get in my car and drive to the beach, I pull up in the parking lot and we get out. He walks to a part of the beach that is covered in rocks and then he disappears in between two giant rocks. I follow and soon I find myself in a secluded spot that looks beautiful. I see him standing next to the water so I walk closer, "now what?" I ask him when I reach him. "Now I call her," he says and takes out a blue and silver crystal. "What is that supposed to do?" I ask curiously, "I use this to call her and she will come," he says turning to the water. "Okay, if you say so," I say not believing a word he says.

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