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Hello everyone!

As I was surfing through internet, exploring stuffs that hit my mind and I thought of this word "Peace" which had me sinking even deeper, hoping there has to be an answer.

All I wanted was truth. Well, we all have our own sort of definition for truth and people only believe the part of truth they can relate to. Even Vladimir Radunsky has described it in his book "What does Peace feel like?"

Here I quote with honorable mention to him:

Peace. What does that word really mean? Ask children from around the world, and this is what they say...

What does peace smell like?
Like a bouquet of flowers in a happy family's living room, like pizza with onions and sausage that just came out of the oven...

What does peace look like?
Like a cat and a dog curled up together in a basket, like new babies just born yesterday...

What does peace sound like?
Like a silent day, like raindrops falling, like no bad words...

What does peace taste like?
Like vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, like sweet, like your favorite food times two...

What does peace feel like?
Like hugs your friends give you when you cry, like someone stroking your back; you shiver a little, but it's a wonderful feeling...

Don't worry these lines were written by kids of age 8 to 10 years. Sometimes I wonder what a transition it has been to be growing up wishing to be adults soon and then spending the rest of our lives practicing perfection or wishing to be kid again. Peace has to be something as simple as waking up to the alarm missed, sipping warm cup of coffee in your bed or drawing sun at the corner of your page, using any dark color to paint if you lost your black crayon somewhere, or being home after a whole tiredsome day.

Peace isn't a life devoid of problems, but your willingness to go searching for solutions in your problems. The journey of searching within you is what peace is about. Not everything has to be perfect. But you are allowed to adjust your definition of perfection. After all this is your life, so it has to be you in control of it.

Just make sure If it's out of your control, it needs to be freed from your mind too.

Rules of a peaceful life:

1. Do not sweat out on things that are beyond your control.

2. Understand, just like you every one has a story. Be it someone saying something stupid, meaningless stuff to your face or it can be someone smiling too much (well smiling too much is a serious issue too, if you have someone that does it, have him consult a specialist)

3. Never complain if you have less. And never be too proud if you have too much. Gratefulness is the key here.

4. Make time for things that actually matter. Make people realise if they are in the list of your Priorities. Sometimes the significant others are just asking for that much only. Nothing more. Nothing less.

5. Attachment is a bitch. Just like Karma. Well that doesn't mean you can't love or are prohibited to feel anything. Heart feels what it feels. You just have to be willing to let go of things that are a part of you. Sometimes, you have to let go of everything you are or for what people known you for. This way, you make it clear for others that you're not available to be taken advantage of.

6. Meditation doesn't always work. Ok. We all have friends or colleagues or siblings. And sometimes talking with them is the best therapy you can have.

7. This heart (❤️) is not a bucket to keep filling everything. You are not supposed to keep your heart full with stupid things that this stupid society throws at you. It is hard to live with a heavy heart. Always keep space for something unbelievable to happen.

Not everything can be healed with time. If you are hurt or wounded, and if you have things that make you feel low, you have to first admit it that you are not okay. You can not heal, if you don't admit that you are bleeding.

You can not find peace if you keep fighting to keep people in your life. You can not always make them understand your worth, and if they can not understand your efforts, you can not make them know any other way. Life is not meant to be wasted on people who are not willing to stay. Leave them when the story rolls to next character. Do not wait for the end credits to show up where people come apologizing to you for breaking your heart.

PS. But if someone leaves you without a reason, atleast hit that piece of sh*t with a real brick or something so that it makes you feel comfortable about the ending.


So guys, please vote and comment if you liked this part and also mention what peace means to you.

– Raghav

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