Ch 5 Moment of Truth

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Y/N was waiting in the courtyard for a certain someone. Awaiting for their arrival he made a mental checklist making absolute sure he was prepared.

Y/N: (thoughts) Okay Ilena is with Rose and that is about it.

Winter: Y/N, don't just stand there.

Y/N: Well hello to you too Winter.

Winter: It's nice seeing you again but I do have some things to discuss.

The walk to his classroom was quiet. He was certain that Winter was simply waiting until there arrival until she made any talk.

Y/N: Have a seat. I am surprised you called yesterday telling of your visit.

Winter: Well I am certainly surprised that you never mentioned adopting a baby! Why would you have one at this age?

Y/N: Now hold on ice queen. Do not go ice cold on me yet. Just look at her before you make your leave.

Winter: Very well.

Y/N: How are you doing anyways?

Winter: Slowly climbing up the ranks.

Y/N: Is this what we've became Winter? Not so much of an actual conversation but strictly keeping it professional?

Winter: It's simply Y/N. We've grown up.

Y/N: That may be but at the very least you can stop your facade around me. Now is the child the only reason you came?

Winter: A large part yes but another is just to simply visit my brother. Also I heard your story and I wanted to tell you it was reckless, stupid, but also sweet.

Y/N: You got that right. At times I look at her eyes and only see her mom. I do wonder if the right choice was truly made. I do mistakes but I'm trying my best given the current situation. This isn't even mentioning the time I will lose with her as she grows when I'm too busy with my work.

Winter: Well you know how we operate. We will see it through to the end.

Y/N: Your terrible at this.

Winter: Shut up. You're better suited at this than I am. There is a reason why I'm trying to become a Specialist. Though I'll say that your child will need a motherly figure.

Y/N: Mom told me that already.

Winter: Exactly she can't turn out like you.

Y/N: I like to think I turned out A-okay. That and you did follow my lead.

Winter: You dunce.

Y/N: Admit it.

Winter: Yeah.

Y/N: Besides what if I find someone who is crazy?

Winter: Then for my sake hopefully it will be in a good way. Now I got to go as I needed to do a checkup.

Y/N: Now just hold up. I've been meaning to send these gifts.

Winter: Who?

Y/N: You know Weiss, Klein, mom, and you. It's been awhile since I saw them.

Winter: Unfortunately our little Weiss is being groomed to act more like our father.

Y/N: Well how unfortunate but I am certain that problems will arise. As for Jacques I also got him something.

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