chapter two

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a/n: hey guys! life's been really shitty lately, so i decided to write another chapter since byler's like the only thing that keeps me happy.
this story takes place after s3 and is something i'm really hoping for in s4. like if we don't get something like this i'm boutta throw hands😾🔪

mike hated to admit it, but he knew everything just wasn't the same without will. the brunette boy that never failed to put a smile on his face was hundreds of miles away from him, and he couldn't stand it. he also hated knowing the fact that he missed him so much more than his girlfriend, el. she was just never on the ravenette's mind like the byers boy was. whenever mike thought back to his last conversation with will and the not possible promise, a smile crept up on his face and his cheeks would glow in a pink hue. will made a promise to never leave him, and just the thought of it made his heart burst with joy.

the party could sense something was up, especially max. she'd constantly say things like "stop being such an angsty bitch mike, you don't see us acting emo and shit all the time" or "yeah, your girlfriend moved away. so what? learn to deal with it like the rest of us."

that's the thing though, mike wasn't acting all weird because of el. it was hard to come to terms with it, but after about a month, mike finally learned to accept it. will was the one he was in love with.

mike always knew he was different. he knew it was weird to feel this way about his best friend, but he always brushed it off as just a phase he'd soon grow out of. his heart would race before his double dates at the movies, which occurred quite often during the summer. mike and will would never admit it, but they secretly knew their hangouts at the movies with lucas and max were always dates; hence why mike and will would sit together in a completely different row than the couple. if it was just a friendly get together, why wouldn't they all just sit together?

the thought of sitting alone next to will always gave him a feeling he was scared of admitting. mike was never really focused on the movies they'd watch, he'd always think about what it would be like to slip his hand into wills in that moment or to give him a quick peck on the cheek to show him how he really feels. instead, no matter how hard he tried, whenever he'd have small conversations with will in the dimmed lit theater, mikes eyes would always travel down to wills soft pink lips, desperate to know what they'd feel like against his own. to his surprise, will would look down at his too, creating thick tension in the air between the two.

the days after the double dates, the two teens wouldn't speak about what happened the previous nights. instead, they carried on with their lives, pretending they both didn't just wish to press their lips together in the most perfect kiss.

mike felt utterly stupid. he had a girlfriend, who he really liked. she was probably the sweetest person he knew, besides will of course. that's the thing though, whenever he found something he liked about el, he would always compare it to will, thinking about how he liked it about will more. mike liked els soft brown eyes, but they'd never compare to wills big hazel ones, glistening whenever they looked at the ravenette. every time the two spoke, mike would feel as if he was getting lost in the hazel beauties.

mike thought will was absolutely perfect. he never thought that about el, though. she could be really bitchy at times, throwing a hissy fit like a toddler when things didn't go her way. she was also super clingy, never giving mike his personal space. she always held onto his arm whenever they'd go, and it honestly drove mike insane. he wished he could yell at her, tell her how annoying she always was, but he never wanted to upset the girl; hence why he hasn't broken up with her yet. mike couldn't stand to see the look on her face when he'd tell her he never really felt that way about her. he felt ashamed for forcing his feelings for will onto her, especially when she wasn't ready for a relationship yet.

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