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You left work hours after receiving his number, which he gave to you after you helped him out. You hadn't expected his number to be given to you, but you for sure wasn't complaining about it. It was a different feeling, something to feel excited for, a feeling you hadn't felt for a long time. You had been waiting for a message from him, rather impatiently in fact. Until your phone dinged at the sight of a message appearing.

Hey! It's Wilbur, I know we just met but i would like to take you out for dinner, does tomorrow at 8pm sound okay?

Your heart started beating faster than it was originally, you've never even been on a date, would this be a romantic date or more so friends. The difference between romantic and platonic was never your strong suit, you always ended up friend zoning people because you got the wrong impression from the situation. You took the route of saying it was a romantic date, he seemed like an alright man and you thought he had good looks, meaning it was worth getting to know him.

So on that note you started a just chatting stream to break up the time. "Evening" You say to the microphone which was right in front of you, after reading sizeable donations and subscribers. You had decided to go and stream to get your mind of the whole date thing with the Wilbur guy you had just met. You'd admitted to yourself that you were excited, but you were also nervous. What if he was a serial killer or something off like that.

When reading through the donation messages you see a message and read it out, "Are you in a relationship? thank you for the £15! Well I am not, not yet anyways, however I have been asked on a date and the guy is definitely boyfriend material. No icks yet." You say shying away downwards on your chair. It wasn't your strong suit answering questions about your personal life, however you had a sense of relief telling your chat about it, they were like your family.

After around a few hours you ended the stream due to it just being too long winded and decided to go to sleep until you started getting a call. It was a call from Wilbur, which was the strangest turn of events that you did not expect. You answer with a quite sleepy voice.

"Hello?" you say in a questionable tone. "I'm sorry for phoning you, I just thought it'll be nice, I saw your stream and when you ended I already missed your voice." He was sweet, it just warmed you. But also it was quite alarming, but you decided even if that was a red flag, that you didn't really care anymore.
"Let me just do something." you say whilst taking your phone from speaker to the FaceTime, calling never had the same effect as FaceTime.
You'd expected Wilbur to decline but he accepted. His hair was scruffy, whilst yours was freshly washed. His smile was soft and greeted you happily.

"So where are you taking me tomorrow?" You question hoping for a good place...
"Well y/n if i were to tell you the surprise wouldn't be much of a surprise would it?" He chuckled to
himself, laughing at his own joke. He falls under his covers, laying down with his phone facing him. As it would be less awkward now he had done it, you did the same.

You and Wilbur sat on call for a few hours before you checked the time, "Oh, it's almost 3am" you say knowing you've got a lot to do that same day. Whilst you decided you were going to sleep, you attempted to tell him he should sleep as well.

"I find it hard to sleep, alone and in the dark that is.. its childish, but I get anxious and that" he says quietly. "We can stay on call, i'll plug my phone in so that you won't be alone i'm just a few words away." You say calmly to him, normally you wouldn't suggest stuff like this, but for the past few hours you'd really grown attached to him. He agrees happily, so that is exactly what you did.

Eyes for You (Wilbur Soot x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now