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He was in his office. You knocked on the door.
His eyes brightened up to see you there standing at his door, he rushed to unlock the door to let you in.

As soon as the door opens you hug Wilbur as hard as you could. "I'm sorry, I never thought about how you felt, she did it without your knowledge and without consent." Your head rests to his chest as he hold you tight.

"So you forgive me?" he asks, his eyes moulding to the smile he was emoting.

"Of course I forgive you Wilbur," You smile back.

"I'm about to stream, wish to grab an extra chair and sit with me?" He asks pointing to the chair. You felt a sense of shock, as Wilbur normally streams with a webcam. "Don't you normally have web cam on?" you ask already knowing the answer.
"Well yes, I would love to show off my girlfriend," He smiles, "Well that's if you would be my girlfriend?" He asks, you nod your head quickly, "Of course!."

A/N. Sorry this chapter is short the world actually ends by a massive meteor, if i remember correctly, the first time i wrote it, but i got rid of that once people started actually reading this.

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