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The next day you awake in your own bed as Wilbur had driven you home after your date and the sitting on the beach. The day seemed brighter already just due to the fact that you had such a wonderful evening before, even though the weather was horrible you had quite a bit of motivation.

You had work which instantly brought the happiness you felt down, but you got to potentially see Wilbur, so all was well.

You threw on some clothing, completely blanking the idea of breakfast, also comparing toast was not an option as the toaster kinda broke. You poured some coffee and strolled out the door.

You arrived at the work building to see Wilbur at the end of the road. A girl, average height runs up and pulls Wilbur close to her. Which instantly to you was a red flag you weren't expecting to see so soon. He seems to try push her away but she continues to kiss him. He eventually pushes her away, but what you didn't hear was the sentence Wilbur blurted out after "what the fuck Karen? We are over don't you get that we have been for almost a year, why can't you get over yourself?"

Your heart falls at the sight of the guy you just went on a date with, the guy you slightly got feelings for, making out with some women? Wilbur glances to you and his face drops. "y/n!" he shouts not wanting whatever just happened to effect what he had made with you, the tall man started running towards you. You felt tears forming in your eyes, so you thought it best to run as fast as you could home to avoid any talking to him.

You locked your door and tears pooled in your eyes.
You decided to phone your work as you didn't really feel up for going to work, phoning up to work and telling Steve, who was your manager, that you weren't going to go into work today as you were ill all of a sudden.

Your phone suddenly buzzed.

It was Wilbur

y/n she pushed on me, I didn't want that from her, i'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry if you thought i wanted to do that with her.

She was my ex, I ended things she was abusive towards me and i didn't need that in life. y/n i'm sorry. Please answer my call.

Your phone started ringing just after the message sent. The contact Wilbur came up. You answer the call, muting yourself to hide the whimpers that escaped your mouth as tears fell down your face. "I hope you've read my messages, I like you y/n, I didn't want what she put on me, I tried to pull away but I just couldn't. I don't want her, I never will. I want you. Please y/n forgive me."

"Yesterday was the most fun i had in a long time, it meant everything to me. Don't think the kiss we exchanged meant nothing, because it meant a lot to me, I want you y/n, just you." You felt an urge to forgive him, an urge to know he was right. But you just felt, broken.

"I'll give you time" Wilbur said as he ends the call abruptly. You didn't know what to do. Of course you loved him, but seeing him with another girl, even if it was something Wilbur didn't want. You got jealous. You didn't even think you were the jealous type.

But instead of thinking about you. You thought about how Wilbur had felt. It's a form of adult assault. Touching, or kissing another human without permission is assault. A kiss is consensual. Not forced.

You threw on shoes once again and quickly wiped your tears. You headed over to Wilbur's office, hoping he'd be there.

Eyes for You (Wilbur Soot x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now