"You have caused quite the problem, Alexis."

I tried to speak but nothing came out. I wanted to correct him. My name was Alex. He stalked me enough, he should know that. I couldn't tell if I wasn't able to speak out of terror or if my throat was still too dry. Seth seemed upset I had yet to respond, I assume it didn't work into his power play.

"Well Alexis?" he asked. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"It's Alex," I managed to sputter our between a coughing fit. "Sorry if I put a damper on your quest for world domination."

Seth chuckled lightly. "You got a funny side, I like that in a girl." He came over and grabbed me by my hair so I was looking him in the eyes. "You have caused me quite a lot of trouble, believe me, this little game has been fun but the pain you are in now is half as much of the grief you have caused me."

"So what? Are you going to kill me?" I asked as I doubled over in pain.

He pulled my hair harder. "Killing you would let you off easy," he said grinning wickedly. "Nah, torturing you makes me feel a lot better."

Well, that terrified me. I tried not to show it though. The last thing I wanted was for Seth to know I was scared to die. Seth let go of my hair and started pacing in front of me.

"Do you understand how annoying you have been? I should have just killed you that day of the robbery."

"Well, Why didn't you?" I asked getting a wave of confidence.

Seth stopped his pacing and looked over at me. "You really aren't scared to die?" he asked. He leaned down and looked at my at eye-level. "You should be."

"Why?" I muttered. "Back then and even now, you could kill me and what would I have lost? You already killed my mom, there isn't much else I care for."

He smiled evilly. "What about your new family? Your friends?" he asked.

My expression changed. "Don't touch them," I warned.

"Oh please," he said rolling his eyes. "As if you could threaten me from the position you are in. You are bleeding out, and if those wounds don't kill you, I am pretty sure a gunshot wound to the head will."

"Please," I begged. "Do whatever you want with me, but they have nothing to do with this."

Seth grinned wickedly. "It's nice to see you beg for someone's life, but I want to see you beg for your own." He stared me down. "I want to watch the life leave your eyes when all this is done," he whispered.

"Too bad there isn't much life left in me," I mumbled.

Seth studied me for a moment longer, then he stood back up and continued his pacing. "You're lucky your family isn't worth the risk," he said finally. "Too prominent, it'll draw attention if I went after them."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're friends, however, not so much."

My hands curled into fists. "Don't touch them," I growled.

He laughed. "Again with the threats." He sat down across from me and played with the switchblade in his hands.

I tried to not pass out from the pain. Seth was not going to see me die without a fight.

"Why do you even bother protecting your so-called friends?" he asked. He put such a disgusting emphasis on friends as if it was beneath him to even have friends. "I turned Nick, Thomas, and Jax against you and yet you're still defending them."

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Yes, you do."

"I love them, they would do anything for me." Even lie to my face when they trying to protect me. I thought to myself.

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