1) The beginning

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It's been a couple of months now. Chin-sun, Jackson and I have come up with a routine for who cooks the meals and for our date nights. It is extremely convenient as well as handy as it allows us to be able to plan things without much hassle.

The three of us were all cuddled up on Jackson's bed, since he  --for some reason-- had the largest bed. We were watching a variety of different movies. It was around seven in the evening, Chin-sun had come home around thirty minutes ago, from her exhausting day of work, to Jackson and I in the middle of a pillow fight.

Yes, even though we were now adults, we are still extremely childish and immature at times. It made life more interesting. Being so serious was dull and college life was stressful enough, so whenever the occasion arises that there was nothing planned nor to do, of course we would mess around. Chin-sun had learned to live with our ways, after many arguments.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled out after a while of watching a 'horror' movie. If you could even call it that. The movie was no way near scary to be classified as a horror movie which made it extremely tedious. So much to the point I felt as though I would pass out.

"Me too" Chin-sun agreed, nodding on the other side of Jackson. The two of us were cuddled up to Jackson's sides as he gently rubbed circles onto our thighs. We were all in our pajamas, all cozy curled into one another on the bed.

"I'll go order food?" Jackson suggested, already getting up despite the protests of Chin-sun and I. The two of us nodded. Chin-sun leaned forward to pause the TV that was hung up on the wall. Jackson walked over to his desk where our phones were either abandoned on or charging. "Y/N, message" Jackson mumbled, throwing my phone over.

"Thanks" I replied back, grabbing my phone to see who had messaged me. I wasn't surprised when I saw Yoongi's name come up straight away. "A photo?" I mumbled to myself, curiously clicking on the notification to properly see the image.

There, on the image, was Yoongi and CJ hugging each other, CJ's hand was reached out showing a beautiful, silver band with a small, glittering diamond in the middle. The two had stupid grins on their face as Yoongi kissed her cheek, a pleasant --and quite familiar-- sparkle in his eyes. The words underneath instantly confirmed all suspicious and inferences.

Turtle Oppa🖤🐢
We're engaged!

"Oh my god!" I gasped out. "Oh my god!" I repeated, this time sounding a little more excited. Chin-sun and Jackson both looked over at me, curiously staring at me. "He popped the question!" I excitedly squealed, turning my phone around to show Chin-sun.

"Oh my god!" Chin-sun squealed, instantly stealing the phone to look at the image, excitement matched with my own. Jackson gave a proud smile, fist making its way up in the air dramatically as he fake cried.

"My man" Jackson proudly mumbled to himself. Chin-sun and I chuckled at his act. I grabbed my phone back and instantly pressed the facetime button, turning it on its side so that Chin-sun was in it also. After a while the call was answered and showed CJ and Yoongi laying in bed, phone up in the air.

"You did it!!" I happily squealed. Yoongi let out a large gummy smile, nodding as CJ excitedly showed off her ring again.

"He did it!!" She replied, giggling slightly. Yoongi looked over at her hand which was now up the air. He smiled warmly as he gently held her hand, brought it down to kiss the ring. CJ looked over at him with a loving, but shy, smile.

2 Parents 6 AdultsWhere stories live. Discover now