Chapter 1

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There is no sequence of episodes, there will maybe some cross-dressings. Sam did not try to close the gates of hell.

How text are written:
British Accent.
"Phone call"
Inner thoughts
I think that's it. Enjoy my story and please comment. This particular is because nobody wrote it so I did. Lot of love.


Dean, Cas and Sam are sitting at the bunker thinking about how to defeat Metatron. It's been a hard day for them.

Dean rubs his eyes. They have been going through all the books but it is not helping much. He looks towards the angel sleeping on the sofa and smiles. He knows its not the angel's fault that he trusted the wrong person and lost his grace, like the young kid said 'He has too much heart'. He says to Sam"We have to get Cas's mojo back." Sam looks towards Cas and nods reassuring"We will".

Sam asks smirking as he leans back on his chair"So since Cas is human. Are you going to confess your feelings for him?".Dean glares at him "You shut your face." Sam shurgs "Yeah, whatever." Its not like dean is scared to confess the angel, he's just... more than scared. Nobody has ever made him feel the way the angel makes him feel. He still remembers how fast he drived when he got the call from Cas about his fall. He wanted to destroy Metatron for hurting his angel. He looks at Cas again feeling warm inside because he looks so content, peaceful.

Sam smiles looking at his brother and their family angel. He has tried so many times to bring them together but they are seriously idiots in love. "Dean get your head out of your ass and ask Cas out." "Sammy its not that easy. You know its not easy life for us." "Seriously dean, Cas is an ange-" Sam stops himself when he sees Cas move meaning he is waking up. He looks at Dean with 'the look' telling that this conversation is not over which Dean just shrugs off not caring. They quickly move their focus on their laptops and books as Cas wakes up.

Dean smiles and says"Morning Sunshine" Cas replies seriously"Dean we are the only ones here, there is no sunshine." Sam snorts as Dean sighs. "Yeah Cas. Its just a phrase." "Oh"

Sam says"So get this, since we are not getting anywhere with this Metatron thing. I found us a case in Pennsylvania. A woman died and there is a witness too who claims that it was a vampire."
Dean raises his eyebrows" We have a witness, that's a first. Most times those blood-sucking fangs do not leave a witness." He looks at his-the angel"Cas you coming with us?" The said angel looks down as he says"I would be of no use. I've lost my grace, i will just get in your way." Dean looks at Sam giving him a silent*Get the fuck out of here* eyes. Sam quickly picks up his laptop and runs for his room not wanting to be the third wheel again while making Cas confused of the leave.

Dean gets up from his chair, settling it infront of the angel. He looks at Cas in his ocean eyes as he says"Cas i don't care if you have your grace or not. You are family which means we want you, no, we need you, angel or not." Cas looks at Dean's green eyes feeling warm inside, even when he was an angel Dean made him feel this way. He really cares about the Winchester boys. They are like his family, But with Dean he feels something different. "Thank you Dean." Dean smiles at his angel then looks at his lips. Before he could do anything Sam shouts "DEAN, WE HAVE TO COOK DINNER!!!" He curses his brother, he was the one who was telling him to do something and now he is the one cock blocking.

Cas says "I can help. I know a lot about food." Dean looks at Cas shocked. Because yes Cas did made a sandwhich for them but he didn't know that Cas can cook more than that. Not waiting for the reply Cas gets up from the sofa moving towards the kitchen his trenchcoat flapping behind as he goes. Dean likes the coat on Cas because it makes him look smaller and submissive but he still hates the fact that it covers the angel's booty. He shakes head after all he doesn't want to get hard on dinner table.

Dean follows Cas to the kitchen where Sam is looking in the cupboards for what to cook. Dean says "Sammy, Cas is going to cook." Sam peeks from behind the cupboard door and says"You're kidding right?" Cas looks at Sam as he replies"I have an excellent culinary skills Sam." He takes out a pan, and some onions, wheat pasta and other materials. Dean and Sam look in awe as Cas prepares their dinner. When the dinners ready Cas puts the the pan on the dinner table. They inhale the mouthwatering scent of the pasta. Cas hits Dean's hand with the spatula as he says"Eat from the plate not from the pan." Sam snickers at his whipped brother's fake look of hurt as he rubs his injured hand. Cas serves them as they all sit around the table. Cas feels something bubble inside him as he waits for them to have their first bites. He feels confused at the new feeling....excitement.

Dean moans at the first bite "Cas, this is awesome." As Sam says"Yeah sooo much better than Dean's cooking." Dean kicks Sam's knee under the table  as Cas smiles at them. All of them eat while discussing about the case. After dinner, Dean forces Cas out of the kitchen and orders Sam to do the dishes.

He shows Cas his room which just so happens to be beside his, which for one entire fandom knows is not a coincidence. "Goodnight Dean" "Goodnight Cas" When Cas is inside the room, Dean still stands their for awhile, he wants to go in or maybe barge in like the house is on fire and give Cas a goodnight kiss but stops himself and goes towards his room. While laying on the bed Dean thinks  about all the ways to woo his angel.

I hope you enjoyed.

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