Chapter 4

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Sitting next the band door felt unreal. I am sitting here with Zack. I am laying my head in his lap. His left arm was wrapped around me. Were we moving too fast? Students would look. Many kept walking. It's none of their business on what people are doing in their life. That's the problem at our school. Everyone is focused on what the next person is doing. I move my knees up a little bit to feel a little bit more comfortable. I also didn't want to block the band door. People love to come in and out of those rooms. It would be like the plaque. People would run inside just to run out. Didn't y'all parents ever say to you to stay in or stay out. In the corner of my eye, I see one of Zack's friends snap a picture of us. It was a young sophomore girl. She had flowing red hair. It gently kisses the wind. She had a floral dress and doc martins. She twirls on her heels talking to one of his other friends. In the back of my mind, I wanted to be mad at my friend that told him I liked him. That was my place to do that not hers. I didn't want to focus on that. My main focus was Zack. I could not believe he might like me back. He may find me attractive. He may want to date me but things need to be taken slow. I am not rushing into this relationship. I don't want to push him away. He was bigger than me. He was a cute chubby. The beginning stage of what Tumblr would call a Cub. His hair is dark brown with a small amount of blonde. He kept it well-groomed. He had a band tee-shirt on and tan cargo pants. Of course, he had the vans on too. A well-equipped guy in my opinion. Someone with a baby face but I knew those baby faces can break hearts.

He was listening to his music. One earbud in his ear. His eyes are closed. He's humming an unfamiliar tune. I wonder what he was listening to. We didn't talk much but I didn't mind. I was daydreaming. I was enjoying this moment. I look above me. Nothing but blue skies, crackling crows and beautiful autumn leaves floating away. The world has stopped. The voices around me were unheard of. The drama at the pavilion was unseen. Everything and everyone at this moment were still. This doesn't sound romantic. To many, it may sound dull, boring, or worse. But to me. I experience heartbreak, cheaters, and childhood traumas. This moment felt romantic. The first-period bell ruins my daydreaming. 'Man...' I said to myself standing up. I brush some dirt off of my denim pants. "Do you want to walk me halfway to my class?" Zack asks with no hesitation. I silently gulp. My heart jumps out of my chest like in those silly 80's cartoons. "Of course," I said walking him to the middle of the courtyard. We talked for a bit. Deciding how we were going to see each other and figuring out the lunches too. We talk about how our school's traditional Pigout event was coming up. A great time for us to see each other and support his French club. I gave him a huge hug. When I pulled away, he looks at me. "That was one of the best hugs I have had." He said before we parted ways.

In the first period, I could not focus on the announcements. I had a huge grin on my face the whole period. Some people did ask me what was up. I didn't answer them though. I did not want to jinx what might happen. It is a good idea to be optimistic in these situations. However, I am not ready to take that leap yet. We decided to walk each other to our second period. Students would stare again even teachers. The teachers had a smile on their faces. They may have been happy that we are open about us. Not many students were. We are against the wall in the hallway near his English class. At this moment, I wanted to kiss him so badly. It is too early for that. We are not even dating at this point. I want to take this slow. I do not want to ruin the upcoming moments for us. "Want to walk me to my next class?" He asked looking at me softly. "Sure," I say. The moment felt awkward. I broke the awkward silence with a hug. "I'll see you after class," I say walking away. In the corner of my eye, I see him looking down smiling. I made his day.

I could not stop thinking about Zack. I wanted to see more of him. I wanted to spend more time with him. He was perfect in my book. At this point, we have not even exchanged the words "Can I be your boyfriend?' I know that he wants to ask me. His body language says a lot. The little gestures are the most important to focus on. I think so. Am I right? In the second period I aide for the guidance office. There was this guy named Jake who was there as well. He never really was there much but when he was I would talk to him about what I am up to, school life, and some of my personal life. "You two should spend time outside of school." He said scrolling through a website about Dungeons and Dragons. "You are right," I said filling out some paperwork for the administrators. I did not want to admit why we did not. The main issue was I didn't have my license. I know a senior in high school and only having a permit. As much as I wanted my license, I did not have a job either. How would I afford a car? My current car is broken down. My black two-door convertible was sitting in my grandmother's backyard. It was rusting, the fuse box kept blowing out and even worst the key ignition was not working right. I did not want to risk putting too much money into it. I want to focus on school. College applications are coming up in the spring. My money needs to go toward college. Time will come when we will see each other outside of school.

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