Chapter Six

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The next morning I wake up and notice it is unusually quiet I made my way to Mephisto's office and he looked a little tired, more than usual,

"Is everything okay?" He looks up with a small smile,

"Everything is fine." I nod deciding not to push him any further but continued making my way over to him,

"Have you checked on what happened after I left." He nods,

"Yes, but don't worry yourself about that, later I wish to test you with something... its to do with training."

"What is it?" he looked up at me,

"Well we want to see if you can summon a demon to help you. It's part of the training. We could begin after breakfast if you would like?" I nod but then gave him a questioning look,

"This isn't just so you can get away from work is it?" he gave me a look of 'what do you mean' I laughed and he gave a small chuckle as well.

"Let's go have breakfast then. After we can I guess." We headed down to the kitchen and began to get some food, before resting and going to the classrooms where we will be testing myself on whether or not I can summon a demon. If I could summon any demon I have a feeling it might be related to Behemoth but I won't know until then,

Once we had arrived I had noticed they had everything already set up and a man was standing by the circle, Mephisto spoke up with an outstretched hand,

"Sakura, this is Igor Neuhaus, he is an exorcist that specializes in Taming demons." I bow slightly,

"Nice to meet you Mr Neuhaus, I'm Sakura." I looked up at him and could tell he didn't really care and just wanted to get this over and done with,

"So shall we begin." He hands me a piece of paper with symbol on it,

"Stand over here." I moved over to next to him as he continues,

"To summon a demon you need to use a little bit of blood to bond it to you." I followed what it said, when I heard a voice call out to me,

'Finally you call us.'

Mephisto's Pov ~

I watch in silence as nothing happens before I feel a pulse of pressure coming from her. I watch as she is engulfed by an white aura with a small tinge of purple blending within, around her 5 small creatures appear in different colours, I was shocked in my time being alive I have never seen these type of creatures,

"Well done, Sakura." I was going to walk closer but there was a wall like barrier in front of her as she opened her eyes, she looked at the sprites that were flying around her almost like they were dancing,

"Sakura what are these?" Igor asked just as confused as me at this point, I could also tell that he was stuck behind the same barrier as me,

"These are Wisps." they all line up in front of her, and she points to each of them,

"Teine, Fire Wisp." Red

"Nàdar, Nature Wisp." Green

"Uisge, Water Wisp." Blue

"Dion, Protection Wisp." White

"Ùine, Time Wisp." Purple

As she got to the time and protection she had the biggest smile on her face, they begin to fly around again this time around the room, Igor glances at me before walking towards the door,

"I will leave now, I think I need to study again. Oh and before I forget, Miss Sakura if you wish for them to leave after a while just tear up the paper and they will leave." She nods as he exits the room, Sakura walks back over to me,

"Did I summon something I wasn't meant to?" I shook my head looking down at the curious Sakura,

"Quite different, we are confused as we have never seen these creatures before, so in other words you have unique familiars." She chuckles,

"Actually that's where you're wrong..." I looked down at her confused.

"They told me, they aren't familiars, they are a part of me which I have yet to learn. They also state that once I connect with one the others will disappear." I nod not fully understanding but understanding enough that I can most likely look something up just incase it does appear, She quickly tears the piece of paper and they all slowly disappear,

"Now that this is over with how about we go and..." She stops me mid sentence,

"Actually I was wondering if I could go wander around the grounds... I need to clear my head." I nod a little suspicious but I took her back to my office before she leaves going on a walk around the ground. I don't want to push her to tell me something she doesn't want me to know, but if it continues I might have to.

Sakura's POV~

I made my way around the grounds before taking a seat at the fountain looking watching all the students bustling about going to their own classes, when I heard my name be called I look over and notice that it was Yukio, holding onto a lunch box,

"Hey Yukio, how are you?" He chuckled before taking a seat next to me,

"I'm fine but shouldn't I be asking you after..." I shook my head,

"I'm fine I just had a lot of emotions build up... I think that was the first time I have ever told people the truth behind that night." he nods as he begins to eat his lunch,

"So why are you out here looking into space." I sigh,

"I can trust you right, Yukio?" He nods,

"Of course." I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes,

"Is it possible for a human to transform into a demon." He looked surprised at the question, but kept eye contact,

"I don't believe so, why are you asking?" I smile and look back off into the distance,

"Someone I know was wondering is all. So I was going to search it up but if you don't know then it is probably not worth looking into it." he nods suspiciously but continues eating his lunch, after about 10 minutes of silence I stand up,

"I better head back, I'll leave you to your lunch... plus I think you might want to run, you seem to have a group of stalkers." I subtly signalled to where a group of girls where hiding behind a tree glaring at me but looking at Yukio dreamly, he noticed and quickly stood up,

"I will be leaving first, Sakura, ummm bye." before running towards the school, I glance at the girls who hadn't noticed him leaving,

"If you hadn't noticed Yukio has already left, and I don't think it is wise to glare at me like that." They looked like they wanted to reply but ended up running to find out where Yukio had run off to. I sigh making my way slowly back to Mephito's place worried about whether or not he will ask me why I was so distracted.

'Maybe I can hide in my room and draw pictures for the time being.'


Hey everyone,  I'm back.

Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to this I was struggling with how to continue writing this and ended up getting distracted by other things (streaming, playing games and some household chores), but I digress I will try and get an update out at least once a month but if I am able to at least once every two weeks. 

I hope you are all staying safe during this time, I have missed writing however I am back and shall try my best to keep up with it. 

Leave a comment, a like and I shall see you all next chapter <3 

FallenPirex Out~ 

Published: 06/08/2020

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