Chapter One

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After a long dinner I head into the back garden to a hidden spot where none of the kids will go as whenever they do bad stuff always happens to scare them away however they can't see what does it. I work as a care worker at the place I could never get away from as all the other kids were adopted the kid with imaginary friends never did as every home I went to they all had the same answer we wake up to her screaming at her nightmares. But none of them knew that they weren't just nightmares they were memories of the night my parents were killed by the blue flames.

Since my shift was over and someone else was watching the kids during the night shift I head into the bushes and I take my usual seat on the worn down sofa with my sketchbook and pencils sitting nearby and turning on a small lamp on the floor beside me, waiting for my only friends to appear, I begin to hear giggling and notice some hobgoblins appear and playing with each other except one who comes running up to me jumping on the free space beside me,

'Good Evening, Lady Rose' I smile towards him, ever since I first met him he always to visit me he started calling me Lady Rose since my last name was Rose the Lady part well he said it has something to do with my presences to the demons, they all tell me I am like a demon noble with the power that comes off of me,

"Good Evening Behemoth, did you have fun again today, I hope none of the kids came back here again."

'No kids came back here, only dust spirits came through.' I smile,

'If it's okay can I see the drawings you made last night?' I nod and pick up my sketchbook and flicking to the last page I had worked on,

"I finished it when I woke up this morning, what do you think?" He jumped up and down happily and I laughed a small laugh,

'It's really pretty, I don't think I have seen something so amazing' I continued laughing as I placed the sketchbook back down beside me, I continued to sit there and before I knew it I had to head back in to get some paperwork finished and also be able to wake up before the children here for breakfast,

"I'll see you again, hopefully tomorrow morning." They all shout their goodbyes and I head out of the bushes with everything in my hands and smile, before heading in for the night.

The next morning I was sitting in the back garden as all the kids had gone to school for the day and I was tired after chasing every kid around getting them ready for school, I thought I was a little too quiet normally when all the kids had left for school the Hobgoblins come and play on the grass. I begin to hear the bushes rustle and saw a single Hobgoblin racing towards me, him jumped into my arms and I caught it and began to pet him,

"What's wrong?" I ask as the hobgoblin begins to calm down,

'Exorcists came to get rid of us, I was the only one to get away but I have a feeling they will come back for me.' I was surprised and looked around before getting up and quickly heading inside the building to my bedroom,

"You can stay here, I don't think they will come looking for you here." I say placing it on the bed,

'Thank you, Lady Rose' I smile, petting the top his head I hear someone knock on the door so I walk to the door turning to him,

"I have to answer that, just stay in this room okay." I could tell he had a look on his face, but I ignored it before leaving the room and head down to the front door quickly as whoever was at the front door was banging the door very quickly. I open the door quickly and open it, and see a young guy with a black coat and a guy wearing an outfit with a clown outfit,

"Can I help you?" They both looked at each other before the clown spoke up,

"May we ask you some questions?" I nod, I could see the younger guy had a gun in his eyes and guessed they was the exorcists Behemoth said about,

Blue Exorcist ~ Mephisto x OCWhere stories live. Discover now