Trump Card ( Mehbeer TS)

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It was a good morning for Meher because she was going to use her Trump Card because she knew Kuber was not going to stop any time. She knew well why he was doing this. He had failed his every chance at having Abeer join his business. But was he not aware if the channel shuts, Abeer can join another channel very easily. But who was she to comment, whatever she would do today would neither be for the channel or Abeer but her revenge. Revenge on her Papaji who had broke her to well a good extent. Its his turn now.

She got ready with her Trump Card as she checked a last time all the preparation. Her first reason to come back. Revenge. She walked with extra confidence today which radiated to the surroundings. She went in her cabin while others kept gossiping how beautiful and radiant she is. Abeer on the other hand was surprised, as if this Meher Purohit is some incarnation of earlier one.

Kuber was all set to show the hell and insult Meher again right in front of people who respect her. He took his car keys, shall drive himself because he was happy and excited. He reached the office of Groove Channel, and was welcomed by Satish. He was taken to the conference room which was already prepared. Everyone was settling when he entered with an aura. Abeer came last.

Satish started the meeting because Meher told him she won't speak till all are trying their cards. Abeer, Meher and Kuber exchanged meaningful looks.

"Good morning everyone. Please welcome Mr Kuber Malhotra with a round of applause." Satish said smiling

"Its alright Satish, get to the point." Kuber said giving looks to Abeer and Meher

"Yes sir. So the point of this meeting is to discuss the matter at hand. With the speed you are buying shares of our company you will become MD soon. We want to know what do you plan?" Satish said

"And why? Why are you doing this?" Abeer said exasperatedly

"I don't plan on doing anything. This is pure investment." Kuber said nonchalantly

"Of course sir, but why our channel? " Nishi asked

"Because I can see the returns." Kuber told

"Thanks for the compliment sir, but we don't want you to buy more than you already have." Lovelyn said

"May I know why?" Kuber asked

"We don't want you as MD!" Nishi spoke in a tone bit higher

"You don't speak to me in that manner." Kuber said angrily

"I'm sorry from her side. We simply have some proposals for you." Satish calmed him

"Deals. I like it. What is it?" He smirked

"You should sell out the shares you bought and not buy anymore." Lovelyn proposed

"What's in return for me?"

"At the moment our TRP is highest, you will have great returns." Satish

"You people are launching a new show, have more TRP give me more returns."

"Sir, why don't you sponsor our new show. You will be advertised on national TV." Lovelyn proposed again

"Still won't back out from buying shares."

"Meher ji!" Satish called out for help

"Yes Meher why are you not speaking? Oh you don't have anything. How would you? You're just a loser. Just a charity case." Kuber smirked and said evilly


"I was Waiting for you to give some attention to the loser. To see how Mr Malhotra ,owner of Kuber Industries are so desperate to discuss a trivial matter with a charity case." Meher said oozing honey of poison


"You spoke what you had to. Turn to listen. Make it a habit by the way."

"Rati start the projector please."

"Okay so my today's presentation is on Kuber Chain of Hotels. Hotel Sea Blue and Hotel Madhuri are one of the best among your hotels, right?"

"What do you want to do by this?"

"I didn't even start."

"So as I was saying, Mr Malhotra was so busy buying shares of a small channel that he ignored someone else buying shares of his two best hotels. "

"I will help you see Sir. IP designs limited is buying shares of your hotels since two weeks now. Its around 49% for Hotel Sea blue and for Hotel Madhuri 50% already. Just a few minutes later, IP designs will become half owner."

"Meher! You!..............Hello! Manish what is this? Sea blue and Madhuri..."

"Sir I tried telling you but you said let it be."

"What do you want Meher?"

" Mr Malhotra I've a deal for you."


"Simple. Back out. And I'll back out. And by the way its just a start."

"You're IP designs but how?"

"Oh that's my boyfriend helping me nothing else. You just have to one its the start."

"Start. I bloody will make it end of you."

"Why not? You love eliminating charity case losers. Right? Let me tell remind you something."

"I'll destroy you to the level you cannot stand again. Just wait and watch Mr Malhotra, this is my revenge. Won't let you win easily this time?"

"By the way, Mr Malhotra! Akshat already became 50% partner in both your hotels. See you soon Sir."

Her Trump Card was so evil. She hurt his pride and ego so severely. Beware Meher and I too shall have to take care of you now. But that's Dad's mistake no doubt, why poke the tigress when you can't handle her attack. This was just defense.  Abeer thought.

A/n:- No mehbeer scenes because its Meher's revenge story only. How's it?


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