Corner ( Shraman OS)

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Background- Court marriage

Shravan was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for another slow day at the office. Since he got married, married he thought and smiled, the woman he loves is his wife now but life was not as he expected. Everything was silent because she was quiet nowadays. They were fighting since the day of their court marriage but one day during another of theirs fight she said, I'm tired. She was tired of him or fighting him, he questioned himself. But everyday while getting ready he wished for the day to end soon because after office when he comes home she keeps two plates of food, made by her and by Ramu kaka. He used to eat Ramu kaka's food, for just one or two days but then he started taking her food. No words exchanged.

As he was gelling his hairs and she came to take her vermilion box. She made a gesture for him to move a bit. She was forgetful some days. He knew she wasn't habitual to the big jhumkas, bangles and vermilion. She would forget to put them on while getting ready at her chance and come to wear while he was getting ready. He was happy for her this habit as it gave him a feel of them being husband and wife. She was done with her vermilion and then turned around only to meet his eyes.  He was statued as if. She made a sound for him to move and he moved. She picked up a file and left the room while his eyes followed her.

He smiled and looked away. His eyes met with a corner. A corner. A corner in their closet where he had many expeditions with her. 😉😉
He could remember his moments in that corner with her very clearly. That day for the first time when she was in his room and she was standing behind him. He turned suddenly and she took a step back. He saw the anticipation in her eyes which was instigating him to move forward. When he said he wanted fees, she confidently said whatever you ask. But slowly she was wavering. She kept back stepping while he moved forward. In her direction slow while his heart was pacing fast. He had not expected for her to react this way. He had planned only to scare her but did not expect his own heart to pace fast and his hormonal excitement. It was an eye opening moment. He has more feelings than a mere crush of past for her.

The second time on the day of Pushkar's Haldi, when Aditya had put Haldi on her she had to clean herself. Does she think using his bathroom as her birth right or what? She was in his washroom cleaning herself when he came inside. He waited for her and she came to the closet to check her sari. The sari. She looks so enchanting in a saree. Shravan was watching her roam around his room as if it was hers. She was standing in the closet when his feet took him on a trip his heart wanted without the permission of his mind. He was soon standing in front of her looking in her eyes as she met him too. He was drowning in her eyes as she kept looking with her big and captivating eyes. He took one step forward and she took a step back. They were back there in the said corner again. Hearts beating fast and minds frozen. If not for an unwanted interruption of course by Pushkar something would have happened. But she ran away but not without him noticing the red everywhere on her.

Twice after their wedding they had been in this corner. Two days after the court marriage when Mamiji provided Suman a vermilion box she started putting it on her forehead daily though he asked her not to. He said he doesn't care but he does. On the twenty third he remembered clearly, they had a fight and he had fisted upon the mirror. It was broken. The next day she got ready without a mirror but her phone camera. But putting vermilion for an amateur with a phone camera is one difficult job. She was trying hard but could not then suddenly her box was taken away and the next thing she knew was she was cornered. Shravan had taken the box in his hand. He cornered her, and held her from the waist. Stand straight. He whispered which was husky enough for her to shiver. She stood straight and he left her waist. It felt cold she realized as his warm hands left her. He put the vermilion on her head and she closed her eyes. A little amount fell on her nose but Shravan ignored as it looked cute on her. The moment she closed her eyes and took a deep breath while he put vermilion on her, he knew she has feelings for him.

Shravan and Suman were not talking today because something again has happened in the corner. The corner witnessed them yesterday when the dam of Shravan's control broke. He admitted he was no saint yesterday when she looked ethereal in a peach and pink saree all decked up for Vandy Bhabhi's cousin's engagement ceremony. They were again in the same corner with same beating hearts, frozen minds and excited hormones. But this time there was no Pushkar to interrupt. No shying away or running away. Shravan took one more step forward even though she was already sticking herself to the wall. He dipped his head and smelled her. She turned her head to give him more space and he settled himself in the crook of her neck. The breaking of her bangles as her hand hit the wall brought them back to the world.

Shravan's train of thoughts was broken when she came back again with the same file.
"I got this file of yours signed by Ramnath uncle as you asked me to. But you're still styling your hairs. And them blame girls for taking too much time. You Shravan are,.."

"Don't you speak less!"

"I know. Better be ready fast and leave."

"Hmm. You always want me to leave you."

"You said it once. Never again."



"Right! Suman. Can we not become best friends like earlier?"

Dumbo. We're married for god sake. He is still asking friends. I'll kill this writer someday.

What do I do? Your husband, your problem. Why ghseeto the writer?

"Sumo! Say something. "

"Okay" saying so Suman moved into the closet in front of him and forwarded hand for handshake but he pulled her in a hug. She was swiftly swept off the ground and was taken in his strong arms. After the hug when Suman tried to pull out, Shravan suddenly took an about turn and next she knew of being pinned to the wall in the corner. Corner again.


"I only needed permission to become your best friend again because I hurt you otherwise its my birthright. And about being the husband my dear Sumo Darling, that I'm rightfully and legally. "

"Legally! Right!"

Shravan took one more step forward and brought himself near her ear. And whispered.

"Sumo! I want to court you. Once I succeed I promise we will have a wedding of your dreams."

"Courting and you!" She laughed and he got lost in her laugh as usual. All happened in one small corner.

A/n:- Since the day I finished writing I wanted to upload it but editing you know. And how's it? I tried something different this time, did you notice? Keep voting, commenting inline and loving Shraman.


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