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Soft blue light flooded Adam's vision. He squinted a little, wondering where he was. He remembered losing his balance in the ocean... his lungs filling with water... was that all a dream? Or did someone rescue him? Adam took a deep breath, trying to clear his head. The air was...
Adam glanced around. The space around him was a deep shade of blue, there were black rocks of varying sizes embedded in the smooth ground. He reached down, placing his hand on the surface and pulling away when it sank in.
Adam pulled his hand out of the material, watching with wide eyes as a cloud bloomed into the air. He swatted away the sand cloud, looking around. He must be underwater. Adam went to stand up, realizing he didn't have any legs to stand on.
Sapphire and teal shimmering scales lead down his waist, narrowing down to a beautiful fishlike tail. The fins at the end were long and thin. Adam wiggled his hips a little, causing a dazzling reflection of light on his shiny scales. At first he figured some huge fish had eaten his legs. But nothing that big would be in water this shallow, right?
"I'm a.... mermaid?"
Adam stared wide-eyed at his new 'feature'. He wiggles his hips again, yelping one surprise as he flew backwards threw the water. Oxygen rushed into his lungs at the sudden movement.
Adam touched his nose gently. Nothing was moving in or out of it. He wasn't breathing... not technically. Adam's hand found its way to his neck, where his skin had formed three slits on both sides. Water was moving in and out of them.
"What the heck- are these gills?!"
Adam took a deep breath, but nothing went into his nose or mouth. A rush of water filtered through his neck. He breathed out, fascinated. He spent a good five more minutes practicing using his gills. He looked himself over once he was done, wondering if his body had any more surprises for him. He discovered a dorsal fin between his shoulder blades and a few scales on his back and arms.
He wondered if he was still dreaming.
Adam gently moved his hips, his tail swishing through the cold clear water. He moved backwards a little. So when he moved his tail, he would start swimming headfirst. Good to know. Adam turned over so his belly was facing the sand, then swished his tail again.
Maybe that was too hard, Adam thought as he smashed headfirst into a rock.
Adam pushed away from the boulder, rubbing his head. At least he wasn't bleeding. He noticed his long black hair was fluffed up, floating around him. He giggled a little and pushed it down, going back to swimming practice.
Adam checked his hands every five minutes to see if he was pruning at all. To his surprise, his skin was as smooth as it was before he fell underwater. An hour later it was the same.
Adam looked up at the water's surface again, noticing the water was turning a shade of sunset pink.
Adam straightened his body, thrusting his hips to the side and squeaking in terror as he shot out of the water. Way too much force!! In the three seconds he was above water, he could see the sun sinking into the water. Crap, Ryan and Jack were probably looking for him! Adam turned his body towards the shore, slowly moving his hips from side to side. He carefully swam back to shore, clawing at the sand with only his arms to rely on. Adam finally dragged himself out of the water, panting from effort. He glanced around for his clothes. He had been wearing them when he fell into the water...
Oh God, they were still there, weren't they?? Adam groaned in frustration and rolled into the water again, scanning the water for his clothes. He noticed them half-buried in the sand (and his trash bag) and yanked them out, sighing as he went to fight his way out of the water again.
Ten minutes later, Adam was laying on the shore, completely out of breath. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply to try and steady his breathing. He gently touched his neck, surprised to find his gills were gone and he could breathe through his nose again. Adam opened his eyes, immediately finding his bare legs against the sand. His face turned red with embarrassment, silently praying that no one had seen as he slipped his clothes on again. They were cold and soaked, but at least they covered him. Adam stood up shakily, his hair reaching his back since it was wet. If his clothes had been dry, it would've only taken a minute for the shoulders of his sweater to be soaked again.
Adam looked out at the water, holding his trash bag over his shoulder as he began to walk back home.

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