Chapter 1-First Hello's

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"We'd stared into the face of Death, and Death blinked first. You'd think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn't."
― Rick Yancey,

No one's pov

The world we once knew was now gone. Hidden under ruined buildings, filthy lies, and dead bodies. It's how everyone has always predicted. It came without any warning signs, at least none anyone bothered to pay attention to. The once beautiful green glass, the multicored flowers, the fresh air now all smothered by the smoke and ruins. The people who got up everyday to go to work, get ready for school, or start another day of their lives, now gone.

The people suffered. Died. Turned. Turned into things not anyone could quite comprehend as it was something we have never thought to happen. The once soul filled bodies, now empty and rotten. The once alive and full of life people now dead. Although not entirely.

You've  read books, seen movies, played games of the undead but never have we expected it to become an everyday reality. Most people couldn't belive it that they ignored it and led themselves to a foolish death. Some couldn't take the news and locked themselves in their homes to then die of starvation. Some ended it before it could even begin to interfere with their lives but the very few...The people who listened. Who knew. They made it. Not completely though because this was just the beginning. Like it always is in every movie.

Days. Weeks. Perhaps Months. I'm not entirely sure. I'm too tired to try and get back on track with the time and dates, after all none of those really matter now. Everything we once knew, the things we took for granted, the things that were once an everyday attraction, now all gone. The world was dull.

I was growing tired of walking. After all I haven't eaten in what felt like weeks, which was most likely more than correct. Not much was left after the huge fallout. The rise of the dead. It sounds cheesy but this is now what every day life has come to. It's even harder being alone. No one to talk to. No one to help out or to at least be able to relate to. Hell who am I even kidding, maybe I'm the only living soul out here. I had to take a break though, my legs were hurting. I wasn't quite sure where I was walking to, but there seemed to be less Zombies over on this side of the road, so I took my chances. Damn, how bad I wish I could take a nice hot shower right about now. Maybe get a new change of clothes, anything to not feel icky.

Looking around, I noticed I was almost close to a new town. Not sure what town since the sign was messed up, but I'm hoping maybe the town will be somewhat deserted and I can find somewhere to rest and eat. Taking my chances, I walked to the front gate of the town, my axe that I had been using for I think about a month now in my right hand, ready for anything to come. One pro of this whole situation is that it turned me into a bad bitch.(PERIOD) The town surprisingly wasn't that big, but i spotted a couple of clothing stores, gas stations, corner stores, houses and a bunch of the typical shit you would see in a town I guess. My first stop was to get me some clothes and head into one of the gas stations to try and clean myself as best as I could and change, hopefully finding something to eat and drink on the way. I know in a eventful time like this that type of stuff wouldn't matter, but a bitch gotta stay clean and fresh...

The clothing store was actually pretty stocked, thank god. I grabbed a black turnstile neck and some dark purple joggers to go along with it. Ofc grabbing a new bra and underwear. Luckily the clothing store also had shoes and hair things so I grabbed some combat boots and finally got to brush my hair out and tied it into a braid. I grabbed the clothing and put it all in the bad I carried with me over here and headed to the gas station. I had to be on alert because it was strange to not come across any dead folks, especially in a town that looked like even though it was small, many people were still living here.

Creeping into the the glass doors, that seemed to have been pried open... which was a bit strange. I already knew from what I had seen that zombies couldn't pry things open or even do anything but try to bite and eat you so it was obvious someone came here scouting for things... but who?

To my surprise the gas station was fully stocked. It looked as though nothing bad happened here. I was as confused as ever, not even realizing the person who crept behind me with a bat and knocked me out cold.

A couple hours later

Rubbing my aching head, I sat up in an unfamiliar room, which looked more like it was meant to be used to storage. I was a bit panicked, remembering the fact that I was hit by someone in the back of my head. I quickly got up, noticing my bag on a nearby table and grabbing it, quickly running to the door and opening it, only to be met with the face of a man.

My eyes were literally out of my sockets, I haven't seen another human, well one that was alive in such a long time. Let alone the fact that this man was extremely beautiful. His eyes were staring straight into mine. I would have not ruined the moment, if you could even call it that until a disturbing through came to my mind.

"You're not gonna eat me right?" I mentally face palmed myself for even letting that question come out my mouth but you never know. He could be a cannibal or something. His face controls into one of disgust as he looked me up from head to toe making me feel small.
"Why the hell would I eat you. I'm not a damn cannibal."
His voice was pure music to my ear's. The sound alluring and calming. Although my slightly pissed attitude from earlier came back as I remembered the previous events. "Why the fuck did you hit me in the back of my head you duck face!" He looked slightly offended but rolled his eyes at my tone. "You were gonna loot the gas station I had to stop you!" "You fucking realize that we are in a fucking apocalypse! I haven't ate in fucking days what else do expect from me!" He didn't seemed faxed by me, which made me slightly irritated, but more by the fact he has a little smirk on his face. "What the fuck is funny you little man!" His smirk grew wider at my clearly bad roast. "Babygirl, for one I am sure not small, not in height and sure not in size *wink* and you look hot when your trying to be all mad." My face was beyond red at this point, and I quickly had to turn my face to look anywhere but at him. "Now, I noticed your bag had some clean clothes in it, why don't you go shower and freshen up in the back and then you bring your cute ass back here, so we can talk." I didn't even let him get the satisfaction of a reaction as I quickly turned and did as he said.

After the nice and warm shower I was all set and changed. Finally. I walked out to the main area to be greeted by the man again. This time he was changed. He has a matching jean jacket and pants with a plain white shirt and some black shoes to go along with it. Man this man was a whole difference breed.  I slowly walked up to him, his eyes already on my figure as I approached the taller than me and sexy male.

"Now, please do inform me, you don't look like your from this town, because I would have very much know where you were.. so... Who are you and how did you make it here untouched?

Hey guys!!!! So I hoped you enjoyed this. I want to make this a 5 part series witch is what I think
I'm just gonna do with all my oneshots but tell me what you think about this one. It's a bit different and more dramatic. So please let me know your thoughts and opinions!!!

The Last Moments We have (Apocolypse AU)18+ OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now