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October 1984, Buffalo, New York

The Pfaff's needed food. Their refrigerator was practically a white canvas. Three eggs were left in the fridge along with the milk that was going to expire the next day. The box of Sprinkle Spangles was nearly empty. They needed groceries immediately. Kristen sighed then poured the Sprinkle Spangles in her bowl then grabbed the milk and used as much as she needed.

Norman came downstairs along with Kristen's younger brother, Jason Pfaff. Norman hurried his coat on and went to the kitchen to see that the fridge was empty. Norman looked at Kristen with a sorrow expression. He felt guilty that he did not have enough money in time to get groceries. In return, Kristen gave him a comforting look to reassure him.

"I get paid today." Norman said. Kristen continued to eat her cereal and nodded her head so that her step-father can continue his statement.

"When you get off from school, you and Jason can go to the grocery store."

Jason tried to look for some food but he couldn't find any. Kristen was aware that her younger brother was hungry so she called his name and gave him the rest of her food. A food shortage wasn't really new to the Pfaff's. Janet nor Norman haven't got a raise from their jobs but they didn't want to quit. They were afraid that they wouldn't find a new one since it was hard to do such thing in the state of New York.

Janet came down stairs with her work clothes on. She saw that her family of three was already eating what they can. Janet didn't bother to look in the fridge because she knew what the circumstances were. She grabbed her coat from the hanger and called Jason so that she can drop him off to school. Janet told them goodbye and left the front door in a rush.

Norman and Kristen grabbed their belongings shortly after them and walked out the front door. "Be safe there Kristen. I love you." Norman said.

Kristen murmured an 'I love you' back to him and went their separate ways. Kristen arrived to her private school, Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart, with her head down. She was kind of embarrassed that she didn't have a basic breakfast meal like the rest of her peers. Though nobody knew her financial conditions, she fear that it can possibly spread out.

She entered the school that was decorated in Autumn theme. The walls had orange, brown, and red fake leaves stapled on them. They were scattered to make it seem like it was falling from the tree that was painted on the wall. As she kept walking, she saw the pumpkin patch that her and the art teacher painted on the wall to fulfill the fall theme.

At the school, Kristen was interested in extracurricular activities such as art, reading, and music where she played piano and the cello. Kristen's thoughts were interrupted with the call of her name from another voice. When she turned to see who it was, she saw a tall, slim, dark brown hair girl. The girl was her childhood best friend, Clarissa Grey.

Kristen face lit up in happiness. If anyone were to see Kristen, they were going to see Clarissa as well. They were 'two peas in a pot' as anyone else would call them. Clarissa gave Kristen a hug and babbled about her morning before class started.

"You know, Halloween is coming up." Clarissa said. Kristen glanced at her with a confused facial expression.

"Yeah and? As far as I know of we don't have a dance at the school."

Clarissa laughed at her response. "Not at school silly. We can hang out, watch some movies, go to a party, oh hey even trick or treat."

"Trick or treat? Riss we're seventeen not seven." Clarissa gasped.

"So what? We can have a little fun together."

"As if anyone will give us candy."

The school day came to it's end and everyone scrammed out the classroom. Kristen was getting up to leave but she got stopped by her teacher. Kristen heart dropped. She was scared that she did something wrong. Or failed a test. She wasn't the type to upset anyone. Everyone knew her by being the smart and charismatic sweetheart of the school.

"Yes?" Kristen replied.

"Well for Halloween night, we, as in the school, needs you to play in the show. Your position in the show would end the night with a cello solo. That's if you are playing." Her music teacher, Mrs. Lum said.

Mrs. Lum's eyes begged Kristen to do the show. She wanted and needed her to do it. It'll conceal the night and leave everyone in a grasping mood, she supposed. Kristen couldn't say no. There wasn't any way she could decline the offer. Even if she had plans with Clarissa, they could've continued it after her show.

"Of course I'll do it." Kristen smiled.

Mrs. Lum sighed in relief. "Thank you. I thought we would have to search for someone new."

Mrs. Lum pulled Kristen into a hug. She held her closely truly thanking her. She released Kristen and smiled at her, genuinely appreciating that she accepted the offer. "Here." She handed Kristen a sheet of paper.

"It'll tell you the information like what to wear and what time it starts."

Kristen grabbed it and looked at the time. "Thank you but I need to go home now."

Mrs. Lum shook her head to confirm that she understood and Kristen left the classroom. She did mastered in playing piano and cello so doing a solo wouldn't be such a big of a deal. However, something bothered her about playing. She didn't know if she was scared that she'll mess up or they wouldn't like her solo. Kristen started to bite her nails as she exited the school.

As Kristen walked in her house, she was greeted with Jason smiling at her. Her hands ruffled through his hair and they exchanged hi's to one another. She went upstairs to put her items down and Jason followed her.

"So how was your day kiddo?" Kristen asked. The two siblings had a conversation about their day until it was ready to get their groceries.

"Remember we have a budget. Only eighty dollars, buy something wisely." Kristen warned her brother.

Jason nodded eagerly in response and the two walked out their home. The cold breeze slapped Kristen's face as they were on their way to the local grocery store. The wind whistled through the air as Kristen's and Jason's hair swayed by the impact of it. Jason started to shutter and Kristen caught on. She wrapped around her younger brother like a blanket and continued to walk until they reached their destination. Kristen was going to grab the door knob until Jason stopped her.

"I got it." Jason told her.

"Why thank you mister."

They finish their grocery shopping and entered their home. As they put their grocery down the front door open. Janet entered the house with a smile.

"Well aren't you so mellow." Kristen teased her mother.

"You guys need to change from your uniform geesh. Anyway, I'm gonna making my infamous spaghetti tonight for dinner."

Jason mumbled 'yes' under his breath then sprinted upstairs. "So why are you so happy?" Kristen asked.

"I'll explain at dinner love now go change."

All the Pfaffs eventually sat down in their dining room for dinner and ate Janet's spaghetti. Kristen cleared her throat to announce what she was doing for Halloween night.

"My school has this show. And um, I'm doing a cello solo."

"That's amazing sweetie." Norman said.

"Are we invited?" Wondered Jason.

"Of course." They continued to chatter until Janet finally said what she was happy about.

"I got a raise today." She cheered.

Kristen smiled at her mother. She was proud of her. The smallest things that can help the family brought Kristen joy. Though Kristen didn't work, she was planning on getting a job but her parents told her to not worry about it. They congratulated her, cleaned up their mess, and went to their rooms.

It was ten o'clock at night and Kristen was in her bedroom. The moon light crept through her gray colored curtains as the New York cold air circulated throughout the bedroom. She look to the side of her where her vinyl record player stayed at. She then sat up and did a quick skim through her vinyl collection. Kristen gazed around her room since it was too late to play any songs. She picked up her journal and began to write in it.

"I am terrified for Halloween night..."

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