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It's been 7 years.

A lot has happened since then.

Since that night..

Christian was right. Our third pup was a deadly birth. She was also a vampire as he predicted. Yes, a she. Park Jeong-sun. Quiet, gentle, beauty.

I had almost lost my life having her and I was more than okay with that. I would give anything for my pups.. Though Jimin refused to let it happen.

We made it home in time and caused a whole scene. Jimin ran home with me in his arms and barged through the front doors completely bare. Thanks to Jin, I was able to get through it. The others interrogated Christian throughout the whole thing and he explained his part of the story to the pack.

As for Jungkook, he recovered well. He was up and running in no time.

And speaking of Jungkook.. Rose also had two pups since then. Both girls and both so beautiful and so well-behaved. Unlike some..

"Park Seunghui and Park Jiyun!!" I scream as I stand in their room.

The two boys come running up to me in a flash, both having a fearful expression.

I glare them both down and point towards their beds.

"Did I not tell you two to clean your rooms? Specifically, your beds. Look at this! You two sleep here?!" I scold sternly. They both look up at me with their puppy eyes. "And if I remember clearly, you both said you did what I asked and I allowed you to go play games. But what do I find? That you lied!"

"Sorry eomma.." they say together as they hang their heads.

I sigh and rub my temples in frustration.

"What's this yelling for?"

I look up to see Taehyung walk in all confused. He looks around suddenly horrified.

"Oh my god this place is a mess! How do your boys live here?"

"That's what I'm wondering!"

"Uncle.. Can you help us? Please.. The mess is too much for us to clean by ourselves." Seunghui tugs on Taehyung's sleeve.

"Yeah! With your speed we can get this done in no time!" Jiyun, my oldest adds on happily. Tae looks up at me, earning a warning glare, flashing my eyes purple. He gulps and chuckles nervously.


Taehyung turns around at the sound of his son's cry.

Ah that's right.. Taehyung has a son. No, he didn't find his soulmate and this isn't his biological kid. He actually adopted. And yes.. he named him Kim Chi.

"Appa play with me!" Chi beams up at his father happily. Tae smiles brightly and picks up his 4 year old.

"Sorry boys.. I have other things to do.. How bout asking your eomma nicely hm? Maybe she will go easy on you."

"Don't give them any ideas Tae." I growl lowly and he gulps nervously, running out with his son. My two boys groan and flop onto the floor.

"I'm so tired~ I can't move." Jiyun whines.

"Eomma, I can't see! My eyes won't open I'm so tired." Seunghui joins in.

I roll my eyes. "Aish so dramatic like your father." I sigh and haul the two 7 year olds up to stand on their own. "Fine. I'll let you two go play games for an hour and after that you have to come back and clean your room! Or else you're banned from any sort of fun for the rest of your lives!" I warn but of course the two only hear the word 'games' and thank me excitedly before running off.

Season || P.JM ✔️𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now