Shown the Ropes

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You felt your face go hot and you froze up. You see his lips moving and can only assume he's talking to you but nothing but the garbled echoes was all you could hear of his voice. It seemed so distant though he was standing right in front of you. You take a moment to breathe and focus in on what he's saying, when you finally open your eyes again and look back to him again he looks to see if you've landed back on earth, concerned if you were okay.

"I'm so sorry Brian, what did you say?" You say as you begin to ground yourself back into reality promising yourself that you'd pay full attention to the query Q had for you.

"I asked if you would like to go out on a date with me?" He asks innocently with a light smile and a sparkle in his eyes as he awaits an answer from you. There it was. The question that made your brain melt and drain out of your ears. You had never been with anyone before, let alone go on a date. Both of you also had been friends for so long and this measly crush on him felt like nothing but a wild fantasy in your head, never once thinking the day would come where someone would finally reciprocate those same mushy feelings. Especially him.

"Are you sure?" You say as an impulse response. Upon hearing yourself say that, you quickly realized those words were a foolish mistake. As you stood there with sweaty palms, you mentally slapped yourself over and over for making such a ridiculous comment. But to your surprise, he chuckles.

"Yes i'm sure! I would never joke about something like this." The anxiety wells as you begin to see that this isn't a dream anymore, no amount of pinching yourself could stop this from happening. With your heart racing and adrenaline rushing through your head like a raging river, your arms shake and legs feel as though they're cracking under the pressure. You smile though despite it all.

"I would really like that." You could see imaginary fireworks shooting off all around him and it made you feel warm inside to see such raw joy in him.

"Movie at my place tomorrow, just me and you. How does that sound?" You nod your head in agreement since your ability to speak proper english has deteriorated tremendously and he pulls you in for a hug. You've hugged before many times, but this time around the little details of it all stood out so much more. You could feel his heart beat against yours, his arms were wrapped delicately around your frame, you always felt so safe and secure in his embrace. "1:00 tomorrow, i'll see you then!" He gives that smirk that mentally took you out every time and you felt a pulsing in your head that made the world stop spinning for just a moment. You wave good bye to him and retreat off to your home where you collapse onto the couch and recount every detail of your little lunch outing.

You squeal into the pillow as the only way to ease the flood of exhilaration that flooded your nerve system with waves of charges that felt relentless. Once all of that was released out into the universe, everything else began to sink in as your brain worked over time to provide me with the endless questions.

How does a date work? Are we an official thing? What do I do? What if he wants to have sex with me, what do I do?

The technicalities of it all made you feel as though you were mentally sinking down the drain into delusional thoughts. This was all so new to you that you couldn't help but create a new question every second as to how to go about working with this new relationship with Q. It was all you could think about until the moment your head hit your pillow, viciously bouncing back and forth between overwhelming jubilation and crippling foreboding.

When you wake up, panic sinks in yet again after a restless night of up and down sleep. As you get ready to go to his place you had two options laid out before you: wear that one dress Q always complimented you on or just the casual T-shirt and shorts you normally wore. It would be times like this where you would normally call Q up for advice and help, but now that the situation involved him, it would have been kind of weird so you were left to your own devices and trued to rationalize all your thoughts and figure it all out.

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