Lion Guard Are Born Part 1

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In this Story Kion and Fuli & The Lion Guard Are 3 years old and Kira,Tifu,Zuri are about 4 years Then Simba and Nala are King and Queen Of The Pride Lands next Fighting Hyenas and Finally the Lion Guard Are going on adventure and there are going to be lots of characters in this Story and let's start the story

Kion assemble a Team called the Lion Guard Who Denfend The Pride Lands And Protecting The Circle Of Life and Kion The Leader Of The Lion Guard The Fierce Of The Pride Lands and Fuli Is The Second Leader Of The Lion Guard The Fastest Of The Pride Lands and Bunga The Bravest Of The Pride Lands and Beshte The Strongest Of The Pride Lands and Finally Ono The Keenest Of Sight Of The Pride Lands 

Kion: Good Morning Fuli,Ono,Bunga,Beshte

Fuli,Ono,Bunga,Beshte: Good Morning Kion

Kion: Alright Lion Guard let's do our morning patrol 

As Kion was leading his team and Kion said

Kion: Ono can you scout The Pride Lands and Find out if there is any danger in the Pride Lands and Tell us

Ono: Affirmative Kion

As Ono leaves and scout The Pride Lands and Kion Leading The rest of the Lion Guard and it has been 5  minutes and Ono came back to report to Kion then Ono said 

Ono: Well Kion there are no danger in the Pride Lands and there is No Hyenas and Jackals, Vultures, No Janja,  No Mzingo, No Mukucha, No Reirei

Kion: Ok Ono, alright Lion Guard you heard Ono there is No danger today in the Pride Lands and we have a day off today Lion Guard let's head to Hakuna Matana Falls you guys and let's relax all together 

As Beshte and Bunga were playing in the water then they were cracking jokes with Ono for awhile Next Kion and Fuli were staying in drying relaxing and Kion was thinking about what Janja was planning and as lots of thoughts going through his mind and someone tap on Kion shoulder and it was Fuli and Fuli said

Fuli: Hey Kion I will be right back I am going hunting

Kion: Okay Fuli please be safe and comeback please

Fuli: Do not worry about me Kion and I will be safe okay with a smile

Kion: Okay Fuli please be safe 

As Fuli left and went to hunting and Fuli was hunting until he heard somebody from the bushes and Fuli saw Janja and he was smiling at her and all of sudden 2 more hyenas came by and it was Cheezi and Chungu and it was an ambush

Meanwhile with The Rest Of The Lion Guard 

Kion was thinking all about Fuli if she was safe or not and it was about 6 minutes and Kion went searching for her long time best friend Fuli and Kion look for Fuli for about 3 minutes and Kion found Fuli and Fuli was fighting Janja, Cheezi and Chungu and Fuli took down Chungu and Cheezi 3 times but Janja knock Fuli out and Janja was going to kill Fuli but Kion came by and thrash Janja to the ground hard and Janja and Cheezi and Chungu regroup up and Kion use The Roar Of The Elders sending Janja and Cheezi, Chungu  back to the outlands and Kion rushes to Fuli fast as he could to wake Fuli up and Kion said

Kion: Fuli please wake up, please, please, No Fuli don't go away, please don't die on me and I should have been there for you Fuli and now I feel like a horrible leader now and Kion was shedding tears a lot

Fuli wakes up and see Kion crying out and Fuli said

Fuli: Kion what happened?

Kion: Fuli your alive!!

Kion hugged Fuli and Fuli was caught off guard and she felt happy about it and she like it and Kion said

Kion: Fuli are you okay, I am soo sorry that you were attack I should have been there for you and you could have die and I am a Terriable leader, I should have been on your side an....Fuli cut off Kion and Fuli said

Kion and Fuli & The Lion Guard Adventures Part #1Where stories live. Discover now