Ayana Loves Kion Part 6

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As Kion was walking near a cliff and Kion was thinking so many stuff but first he keeps on thinking until the wind blowing towards Kion and a tiny tornado and he heard a lion voice that he did not recognise then he heard Fuli and Kira calling him and Kion said

Kion: Fuli, Kira I am over hear

As Kira and Fuli made there way towards Kion and Kira starts talking to his brother 

Kira: Kion are you alright because you been gone for a while

Kion: Yeah I am okay Kira I just thinking lot, what Janja said

Kira: What did Janja said 

Kion: Janja said something big is going to happened and I do not know when?

Kira: It is okay Kion calm down I know you Kion and The Lion Guard will take down Janja and his Hyenas or any outlander because you guys are the best I know you guys can do it

Kion: Thanks Kira it just that I want nothing happened to you Kira, mom, dad or Fuli and the Lion Guard and the Pride Lands, I will do anything in my power to help everyone if I have to

Fuli: Kion you are not this alone you have a team that always be on your side always

Kion: Thanks Kira and Fuli for making me feel a little bit better ( Kion did a small smiled at Kira)

But Fuli knows Kion to well and stayed quiet 

Kira: Okay Kion, I am going to heading back to Pride Rock and go to sleep now and I know you Kion are going to sleep with Fuli and I will see you tomorrow 

And Kira hugged Kion and Kira ran back to Pride Rock and left only Kion and Fuli and Fuli said 

Fuli: Kion...

Kion: Yeah Fuli are you okay 

Fuli: I am okay, it just I am worry about you Kion because I do not want you to get hurt or I do not want to.....lose........y Kion cut off Fuli 

Kion saw Fuli crying and Kion hugged her and nuzzle her and kiss Fuli on her forhead and Kion said

Kion: Fuli I am here you are not going to lose me because I am going to be with you to the Pride Lands End, No matter what 

Fuli: Thank you Kion, I love you no matter what

Kion: me too Fuli, I only want to be with you Fuli no matter what and that's it you are my only cheetah that I want to be with

Fuli: You are the only lion who I want to be with no matter what

Fuli: And also Kion don't worry about Janja because you heard what your sister Kira said because we are the greatest team in the Pride Lands

Kion: Yeah you are right Fuli and I need to calm down let's go back to your den 

As Kion and Fuli were walking to Fuli den and Fuli ask Kion a question

Fuli: Kion can I ask you a question

Kion: Any question you want to ask me Fuli go ahead 

Fuli: Okay um......when are you going to tell your dad and your mom with our relationship 

Kion: oh...do not worry Fuli I am going to ask them tomorrow morning I just forgot today but tomorrow I will ask them do not worry Fuli 

Fuli: Thank you Kion

Fuli kissed Kion and nuzzle him

Kion and Fuli made to Fuli den and Kion ask Fuli if she is hungry and Fuli said 

Fuli: Yes I am Kion but don't worry Kion I am going to hunt this time for you Kion and for my older sister Ayana

Kion: Okay Fuli please be safe 

Fuli: Yes Kion I promise I will be extra careful and safe for you

Fuli kissed Kion for about 2 minutes 

Fuli: Rest my Wonderful Leader Handsome Prince Kion

Kion: Okay Fuli, I will wait for you Fuli

As Fuli left to get food for Kion and her big sister Ayana 

Kion stayed behind with Ayana in Fuli den, Ayana was sleeping peaceful and Kion stayed quiet for about 4 minutes and Ayana woke up and Ayana saw Kion and Ayana was smiling at Kion then Ayana was sneaky on Kion to pounce on him and Ayana said

Ayana: Kion(Ayana whisper to Kion quietly)

Kion: Ayana your awake

Then Ayana pounce on to Kion and Ayana kissed Kion and Kion was shocked and he pulled away  

Kion: Ayana why did you kiss me?

Ayana: Because I love you Kion, I want you now Kion and I like to thanked you Kion you acted like a true brother to my little sister Fuli now I am going to make that wish come true 

Kion: in Kion mind (what does Ayana mean by that......oh no)

Ayana: I want to mate with you Kion and Ayana kissed Kion for about 3 minutes 

And Kion pulled away and Kion said 

Kion: WAIT Ayana, I am sorry I yelled at you but there something I need to confess that me and Fuli never told you yet I am so......sorry that you loved me because me and Fuli love each other like me and Fuli are boyfriend and girlfriend and it is not like I am not rejecting you Ayana

Ayana: What do you mean Kion?

Kion: I am saying, you Ayana and Fuli are the most beautiful cheetahs and nicest I have ever seen in my life and your little sister Fuli, Ayana has changed my life, I like Fuli as a friend, once we meet as cubs our relationship got stronger until Fuli told me she had a crush on me then I started to notice I love Fuli more then a friend liked be a boyfriend and girlfriend and once I meet you Ayana your just like Fuli but Ayana you more a another sister to me and I hope you understand that and if you don't and I understand that too, I just hope we will be friends and I hope you can forgive me Ayana

Ayana: .............

Ayana: I.....Fuli cut off Ayana

Fuli: Kion I am back sorry if I took a little bit longer but I got all 3 us a zebra 

Kion: Thank you Fuli, let's eat now before we head to sleep

As Kion and Fuli, Ayana were eating then they started going to sleep already Kion was sleeping on his front paws then by his side, Kion see Fuli next to him close by next Kion see Ayana sleeping by herself from Kion 4 feet away and finally in the next 5 minutes Kion was sleeping but he felt somebody moving by him and Kion saw Ayana moving next to him close by and Ayana said 

Ayana: I forgive you Kion (Ayana whisper to Kion to his ears)

Kion kiss Ayana on her forhead for a thank you.

Kion and Fuli & The Lion Guard Adventures Part #1Where stories live. Discover now