Kion and Fuli Are Official Boyfriend and Girlfriend Part 8

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Kion ran back to Fuli den and Kion sees Fuli still sleeping and Ayana, then Kion decides the best thing to do is to wait for Fuli to wake up and Kion decides to get a drink at the watering hole and at the den Fuli woke up and saw Kion drinking water and Fuli decides to scared her lion, her boyfriend by sneaking on him, stalking Kion to pounce on him and as Fuli was moving very slowly and quietly then in Fuli den Ayana woke up and saw little sister Fuli was sneaking on to Kion but why next Fuli was ready to pounce on Kion and Fuli saw Kion turn around and finally Fuli pounce on Kion and Fuli said

Fuli: Gotcha Kion (Fuli was smirking and smiling at Kion)

Kion: Wow Fuli I didn't hear you coming, you are good at being very silent Fuli and good morning My Fastest Second In Command Of The Pride Lands

Fuli: Thank you Kion  and Good Morning My Wonderful Fierce Prince Of The Pride Lands

Kion: Fuli I got some good news that I ask my parents and they said yes that me and You Fuli are officially Boyfriend and Girlfriend now we can date each other now and we don't have to hide our secret, our love anymore we can tell the Lion Guard now that we are dating we can tell our friends now

Fuli: are right Kion 

Ayana: Kion are you alright, I saw Fuli was going to.........

Ayana saw Fuli on top of Kion and they both were smiling at each other and a little embarrass

Ayana: oh you guys need some privacy I will give you guys some time

Kion and Fuli: No

Kion: I am okay Ayana it just, Fuli sometimes wants to pounce on me and your little sister Fuli, Ayana is good at being sneaking and she pounce on me without expecting it

Fuli got off of Kion and Fuli help him up

Ayana: Fuli and Kion are you guys going to tell your other friends from the Lion Guard 

Kion: Yeah we are I will go to all 3 of them and tell them to meet for a huge announcement and Morning Patrol too

Fuli: Wait Kion you don' have to go I will go tell them to meet at Lion Guard Lair and besides I am the Fastest and Second Of Command

Kion: Okay My Second in Command please be safe Fuli 

Fuli: I will My Fierce Prince Lion, I will be safe Kion 

As Fuli took off and it just was Ayana and Kion and Ayana said

Ayana: Kion can we talk right now

Kion: Yeah sure are you okay Ayana

Ayana: Yeah I am okay, can I ask you a question 

Kion:  Yeah you can ask me any questions you want

Ayana: Okay um... What happened to you Kion, I saw you were awake where did you go?

Kion: I am sorry Ayana I did not know you were awake and I am sorry that I got you worry Ayana, I should have tell you too Ayana, I am sorry 

Ayana: It is okay Kion, as long you are safe Kion , but kion what happened if me and Fuli did not know you were gone 

Kion: Please Ayana don't say that please I promise for now on I will tell you Ayana and Fuli for now I will tell you guys where I am going for now

Ayana: Thank you Kion I cared about you, me and Fuli cared about you, we don't want to lose you Kion

Kion: Okay

Fuli came back and she see Kion and Ayana hugging each other and Fuli got a little bit of jealous and Fuli said

Fuli: umm Kion and Ayana are you guys okay, why are you guys crying, are you guys okay

Kion: Yeah I am okay Fuli, but for now on I am telling everywhere were I go for now so you Fuli and Ayana don't have to worry about me for now on I am going to be with you Fuli and Ayana for now but right now I will meet you at the Lion Guard Lair so we can announce our secret to the Lion Guard our friends and I will meet you there Fuli 

Fuli: Okay Kion

As Kion left and Ayana said

Ayana: Fuli let's go your lion is waiting for you and your friends let's go before Kion gets worry about us Fuli

Fuli: .........

Ayana: Fuli are you okay

Fuli: Ayana is it okay if I  can I ask any question

Ayana: You can ask me any questions you want from me Fuli

Fuli: ........are you dating someone or do you have a boyfriend or a mate

Ayana: Well you probably are going to hate me

Fuli: WHAT why would I hate you, you can date anyone, I am not going to stop your relationship, I would be a terriable sister

Ayana: Fine I would only describe to you he has a golden fur and has light Brown eyes, red hair

Fuli: Fuli was thinking a little bit hard but then it hit her mind and Fuli said Ayana is he a lion or a cheetah 

Ayana: A... lion 

Fuli: WAIT you like KION

Ayana: Yes Fuli I like Kion I am sorry. 

Next Part 9

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